Obviously, MGA took all of his theories on religion from other people. Sir Syed began publishing his commentary of the Quran in 1880, however, the section which concerns Esa (as) was published (see Nuzhat Haneef) in 1882, MGA almost immediately began calling himself as “like-esa” or “Maseel-e-Maseeh”. It’s important to note that it was Noorudin who urged MGA to do so. Later on, MGA also copied Sir Syed’s swoon theory and passed it off as his own (see Jesus in India, 1908 and Nuzhat Haneef). MGA also attracted lots of people who were already following Sir Syed’s new ideas on Islam, like Maulvi Abdul Karim and others. Sir Syed also denied the entire concept of the Mahdi in this era. The truth is that MGA knew about the new beliefs of Sir Syed as early as 1872 and began to slowly adopt them. However, he lied about his true beliefs from 1876–1890. Check out the books on Islam by Sir Syed herein from 1857-1870.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Some Additional data on MGA’s connection to Sir Syed

MGA basically stole Sir Syed’s ideas. In fact, the name “Ahmadiyya” came from a book that Sir Syed wrote “””Al Khutbat al Ahmadiya”” (1870), in reply to Muir”s “Life of Mahomet”.  Sir William Muir’s “Life of Mahomet” (available online) made some wild allegations against the Prophet Mohammad (saw). Syed Ahmad was greatly disturbed and pained and prepared to write a detailed response in the form of the book “Khutubat-i-Ahmadiya”. He planned to collect research material in England during his trip to England. Syed Ahmad had to endure many financial difficulties for the translation and publication of the book in England. He later expanded upon these ideas in the form of “Tasanif-i-Ahmadiya”.  Maulana Moudoodi declared this book as the first major scholarly work on the life of Prophet.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________The Quotes

i. “Now we must turn to the Holy Quran to see what it says. The Quran makes mention of Jesus’ death in four places … Firstly in Sura Aal Imran, secondly in Sura Ma’ida, … thirdly in Sura Maryam … fourthly in Sura Nisa’. Jesus was not killed by the Jews, either by stoning or by crucifixion, but he died his natural death, and God raised him in rank and status … From the first three verses it is clear that Jesus died a natural death. However, as the Ulama of Islam had followed the Christians, in accepting that Jesus had gone up to heaven alive, before looking at the Quran, so they have tried to interpret some of the words in these verses to accord with their unsound belief.”

(Tafsir Ahmadi by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, vol. ii, p.48)

ii. Referring to the expression ‘in this’ (Arabic: bi-hi) in the verse: ‘And there is none of the People of the Book but will believe in this before his death’ (4:159), which is generally taken to mean in him (i.e. in Jesus) Sir Syed writes:

“This points to the words ‘And their saying: we have killed the Messiah’ [4:157], and to their saying, and not to the Messiah. So this means: ‘All the People of the Book, before their death, will believe that Jesus was killed’. After this it is said: ‘And on the day of Judgment he, i.e. Jesus, will be a witness against them’. The word ‘ala [‘against’] is used to indicate loss or harm. So the meaning is that on the day of Judgment Jesus will be a witness against their belief.”

(Maktub Sir Syed, No. 2, p. 48)

iii. “Jesus spent his early life migrating from one place to another. His later life was not very long, for he was 33 years of age when he died, and at that time there were only 70 people who believed in him.”

(The Ali Garh Magazine, Intikhab No. 1971, p. 48)

See the lahori website.  I copy and pasted from there.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________The scan work

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