Mirza Tahir Ahmad was the 4th Khalifa of Ahmadis, from 1982 to 2003. Mirza Tahir Ahmad radicalized Ahmadi’s as soon as he came to power (1982).

He sucked Ahmadis dry. He didn’t even care, he had no decency in him. He wanted Ahmadis to cut the stomachs of their wives and their children in terms of saving money and giving it to him. In the video posted, he explains how Ahmadis will do anything to serve the Mirza family, they don’t care about their children, they don’t care about their wives, Ahmadis only live their life to serve the Mirza family.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________The video evidence


The full video can be found here

Ahmadis are taught to treat their children and wives as lower then human beings as they curtail all of their costs and give more and more money to the Mirza family. My father did exactly that, he was a lazy and lethargic man who hated working. He thus worked his male children into the ground and gave all the money to the Mirza family.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Links and Related Essay’s

In 1976, during his USA tour and at the USA Jalsa, Mirza Nasir Ahmad claimed 10 million Ahmadi’s

Jalsa-Germany-2018 is fast approaching

Mirza Tahir Ahmad radicalized Ahmadis in the 80’s

Mirza Tahir Ahmad was a vicious mullah

Statistics showing Systematic Over-representation of Ahmadis in the bureaucracy of Pakistan by Charles H. Kennedy

The Ahmadiyya #JalsaQadian is a marketing event, more important than Hajj, for Ahmadis

Ahmadis always lie about conversions at the #Ukjalsa

Mirza Tahir Ahmad explains the rationale behind Ahmadiyya giving out mixed global membership numbers

Mirza Basheer-uddin Mahmud Ahmad admits that Ahmadis lie about their membership numbers (1950)

Mirza Tahir Ahmad radicalized Ahmadis in the 80’s

Evidence which proves that Mirza Tahir Ahmad radicalized Ahmadi’s as soon as he came to power (1982)

Ahmadis are willing to die for Ahmadiyya

The Mirza family loves the persecution, they call it free press


#1983 #rabwahjalsa #jalsa #Jalsarabwah #Jalsapakistan #ahmadiyya #ahmadiyyatrueislam #ahmadiapartheid #Ahmadiyyat #rabwah #qadian #meetthekhalifa #muslimsforpeace #ahmadiyyafactcheckblog #nolifewithoutkhalifa #AhmadiMosqueattack #AhmadiyyaPersecution #Mosqueattack #trueislam #atifmian