It turns out that just before Mirza Mubarak Ahmad died (the 4th son of MGA from his second wife), MGA thought that maybe by marrying him, Allah would save his life. MGA thus married a young kid (mubarak) who was like 7-8 years old to a baby girl who was like 1-2 years old (the daughter of Sr. Abdul Sattar Shah). Mubarak still died (possibly from the plague) and this baby girl was eventually married to Mahmud Ahmad in the early 1920’s. Mirza Tahir Ahmad was born from this girl!!!  (See, pages 268-270).

An interesting reference from Haqiqatul Wahy

“””41th sign was that , almost 20-21 years earlier I published an advertisement that God has promised to bless me with four sons who will live long. This prophecy is mentioned
in Muwahib ur Rahaman page 139.i.e All praise and glories be to Allah Who blessed me with four sons in old age and fulfilled His promise. So these are four sons Mehmood Ahmed, Bashir Ahmed, Sharif Ahmed and Mubarak Ahmed who are present and alive .””
(Haqeet ul Wahi 41 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 Page 228).

Did Mirza Mubarak Ahmad die and was revived?

[Sign] 104. 104th Sign. Once my younger boy, Mubaarik Ahmad, fell ill. Swoon upon swoon was coming over [him] and I was engaged in supplication, near him, in the house, and several women were sitting next to him. Once a woman called out and said: Stop now because the boy has died. Then I came close to him and placed my hand on his body and focused my attention toward God Almighty [and] so after two or three minutes the boy started breathing and a pulse could be felt and the boy became alive. Then it occurred to me that the giving of life to the dead, by `Eesaa, peace on him, was of this same kind and then the ignorant embellished upon it. [RK, v. 22, p. 265; Haqeeqat-ul-Wahee].
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