Ahmadis have avoided this Tafsir for years and years, its available online at, it was also quoted in Todd Lawson’s famous research work on 4:157. Ahmadis will continue to ignore this tafsir, since it contradicts everything that Ahmadis believe in. I have written a brief introduction on this Tafsir and its history here, feel free to read that first. Todd Lawson seems to ascribe this Tafsir by Ibn Abbas to Al-Kalbi (died in 146/763), who was nonetheless a very early commentator on the Quran (see Lawson, page 45). Whatever the authenticity of this book is….it proves that from the earliest records of Islamic-writings, Muslims always believed in the “Substitution-theory”, however, they didn’t properly connect it with 5:111-115.

Ibn Abbas on 4:157–159
157″””(And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger) Allah destroyed their man Tatianos. (They slew him not nor crucified, but it appeared so unto them) Allah made Tatianos look like Jesus and so they killed him instead of him; (and lo! those who disagree concerning it) concerning his killing (are in doubt thereof) in doubt about his killing; (they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture) not even conjecture; (they slew him not for certain) i.e. certainly they did not kill him,””””

158″””(But Allah took him up unto Himself) in heaven. (Allah was ever Mighty) in His vengeance against His enemies, (Wise) by granting triumph to his friends: He saved His Prophet and destroyed their man.”””

159″””(There is not one of the People of the Scripture) the Jews and Christians (but will believe in him) in Jesus, that he was not a sorcerer, Allah, His son or His partner (before his death) after the soul of Jesus expires, that is after he comes down again and then dies after every single Jew in their time, (and on the Day of Resurrection he) Jesus (will be a witness against them) through delivery of the message.

Ibn Abbas on 3:55
((And remember) when Allah said: O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing) saving (thee of those who disbelieve) in you (and am setting those who follow you) follow your Religion (above those who disbelieve) with strong argument and triumph (until the Day of Resurrection) then I shall make you to die after descent; it is also said this means: I shall make your heart die to the love of the life of this world. (Then unto Me ye will (all) return) after death, (and I shall judge between you as to that wherein) in religion (ye used to differ) to argue.

Ibn Abbas on 5:117
(I spake unto them) in the life of this world (only that which Thou commandedst me, (saying): Worship Allah) declare Allah’s divine Oneness and obey Him, (my Lord and your Lord) He is my Lord and yours. (I was a witness of them) by conveying the message (while I dwelt among them, and when Thou tookest me) when you raised from amongst them (Thou wast the Watcher over them) You were the Protector and Witness of them. (Thou art Witness over all things) of what I said and what they said.
______________________________________________________________________________________________Links and Related Essay’s

“Christ and the Crucifixtion” by Todd Lawson


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