In March of 1904, Maulvi Noorudin wrote a book entitled Nur-ul-Din. It is currently online as Nur ul Din on the Qadiani-Ahmadi website. The Al-Badr of March-1904 announced its publishing. It was written in response to a book Tark-i Islam by a former Muslim who joined the Hindu Arya Samaj and had explained the reasons why he had left the religion of Islam. Interestingly enough, even Noorudin wrote that MGA was born in 1839 (see page 251)(See scan in the below). In fact, all Ahmadiyya sources up to July 1908 wrote that MGA was born in 1839. Zafrullah Khan quoted this book extensively in his biography about Noorudin. Abrogation was also discussed in this book, see MGA’s comments here. The second edition was published in 8-1-1923, the one on their website is not dated. In 1912, another biography was published about the life of Nur-u-Din entitled “Mirqatul yaqeen fi hayat e Nooruddin”(published in 1912, press info is not given) by Akbar Shah Khan of Najibabad. This was followed later on with Hyat-e-Nur.
Proof of the publishing date of Nur al Din in 1904, via the al Badr

Abadr 1st March 1904

In answering one of his objections against Islam, Maulvi Noorudin wrote:

“I know of no verse in the Quran containing a command which permits something or which makes something compulsory and then it is stated about the same command that what it permitted or required is forbidden. No, no, certainly not. Our Quran has nowhere said to us that a certain command in a certain verse is now absolutely abrogated. Our guide, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, has never said: Such and such a command of the Quran is now abrogated. His holy successors were Abu Bakr and Umar, about whom God said: “And the foremost, the first of the Emigrants and the Help­ers, and those who followed them in goodness  — Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him” (9:100), and God declared obedience to them to be a way of earning His pleasure. They also never said that such and such a command of the Quran is abrogated, and it is not at all right to act upon it.

If naskh means to make a command void, i.e., a command is to be found in the Quran and it was abrogated, I know of no such command. If anyone claims to the contrary, he should provide evidence.”

— From the book Nur-ud-Din, p. 231–232, published from Qadian in 1904. News of its publication was announced in Badr, 1 March 1904, p. 8, foot of col. 3.

Other references from Nur-ud-Din
“i. The Islam taught to us by that Divine Scripture, the Holy Quran, does not say anywhere that to become a Muslim you need to believe that Jesus had no father.
“ii. The Holy Prophet has not told us that a part of Islam is to believe that Jesus had no father.
“iii. Our beloved holy Companions, our four leaders of jurisprudence, and other great Imams, have nowhere instructed us that it is necessary to believe that Jesus was born without a father.
“iv. Our respected Sufi saints have not exhorted us anywhere in their teachings that to attain the ranks of Divine nearness, to accomplish self-reform, and to acquire noble morals, it is necessary to believe that Jesus had no father.
“v. Besides Jesus, how many prophets, messengers and appointed ones of Allah, have there been! Is the genealogy of any one of them recorded in the Holy Quran? In fact, Allah says, ‘None knows the hosts of thy Lord, save He’. So it is not necessary to know of the existence of everyone, let alone how they were born.
“Then in the Christian religion, the birth of Jesus without a father is not an evidence of his Divinity, because they believe that Melchizedek and Adam were also born without a father. Again, this teaching is not a part of Islam, so how did this teaching make you leave Islam? This is one of those issues which are matters of general investigation.”

(p. 181-182).

(On p. 184, in connection with something else, he writes: “Today is 11th December 1903”. The book has 258 pages.)

Some other references to Noorudin and abrogation

In his verbal teaching sessions on the Quran, commenting on verse 2:106 of the Quran (“Whatever ayat  We abrogate or cause to be forgotten…”), Maulana Nur-ud-Din said:

“As to the question whether there is abrogation in the Quran or not, as far as my understanding goes I will say that I have never, till today, seen any verse which is abrogated while it is found in the Quran. There is no statement reported from the Holy Prophet Muhammad or Hazrat Abu Bakr or Umar showing that such verses are to be found in the Quran.

God says the reason for this abrogation is not Me, but because your circumstances keep on changing so My commands have to be altered.”

— Badr, Appendix, 11 March 1909, p. 19, col. 2; session dated 15 February 1909. See also his collected teaching sessions in Haqa’iq-ul-Furqan, p. 216, where this verse is numbered as 107.

In his verbal teaching sessions on the Quran, commenting on verses 16:101–102 of the Quran (“And when We change an ayat for another ayat…”), Maulana Nur-ud-Din said:

“From these verses some people try to prove abrogation of verses. They face two difficulties. Firstly, they take the word ayat as meaning a verse of the Quran. Secondly, they have to show that the abrogated verse exists in the Quran.”

— Badr, Appendix, 10 February 1910, p. 147, col. 1; session dated 2 February 1910. See also his collected teaching sessions in Haqa’iq-ul-Furqan, p. 512, where these verses are numbered as 102–103.

MGA was born in 1839
In this book, Nur ud Din wrote that MGA was born in 1839 (See page 251).

The scan work


Page 146 of Nur ud Din
Zafrullah Khan tells us that Noorudin believed that the fire that was mentioned in 21:70 was not an actual fire, Noorudin saw it as the fire of opposition.  However, MGA disagreed (see page 100).


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“Supernatural” and “Archeological” aspects of Islam

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