An Ahmadi can never be trusted in politics. Ahmadis are always looking out for the best interest of Ahmadis, not Pakistani’s, not Indians, not Americans, Canadians, Britishers, Germans and etc etc etc. When Zafrullah Khan was foreign minister of Pakistan, he would always tell his Khalifa the business of Pakistan and let the Khalifa make the decisions. This is how the Ahmadiyya Khalifa’s have operated over the years, they act as an invisible arm that controls all Ahmadis, especially Ahmadis with political power. Even today, Ahmadiyya INC is not owned and operated by the Mirza family, instead they have set up a global non-profit corporation with Ahmadis in legal control, not the Mirza family. However, as we all know, the Mirza family makes all pertinent decisions in the corporation, but it has other Ahmadis carry out those orders legally.
Ahmadis are not to be trusted

Ahmadis want to get their country. This is very dangerous. This is why the Muslim world will never trust them.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________A video that proves that if Ahmadis ever got their own country, the Khalifa would control the country from behind the scenes, or else the Ahmadis would get kicked out of Ahmadiyya

_____________________________________________________________________________________________Ahmadis can even kill Ahmadis

Ahmadis are hypothetically allowed to kill other Ahmadis

_____________________________________________________________________________________________A reference to the 2nd Khalifa, wherein he says that if he ever gets power, he will rule with an iron fist

“We do not have the power to forcibly rectify the people and throw that person who does not obey our orders of the country like Hitler and Mussolini, and punish the one that is not prepared to listen and obey us. If we had power, then we would have done this within a day and not have let another day rise that we had these shortcomings in us but if we get power today we will implement our orders”.[1]

[1] M, Mahmood, Khutbat Mahmood, Vol.17 p.337,  29 May 1936
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