We have written about this before.  Most Ahmadi clerics don’t understand Islam properly, they are brainwashed by an unaccredited institution, i.e. Jamia-Ahmadia.  Jamia Ahmadia passes whomever they wish, and they fail whomever they wish.  In a recent case, they gave full “imam” status to Ibrahim Noonan, who was a convert to Ahmadiyya about 20 years ago through a woman whom he eventually married and later divorced.  He hasn’t properly understood Islam and has terrible manners, he is basically a security guard who couldn’t find a job and turned to Ahmadiyya for employment.  Mirza Tahir Ahmad hired him immediately, since, Ahmadiyya INC needed an Irish Imam, since Bashir Ahmad Orchard had died in the 1980’s.  Ahmadiyya INC always looks to find a local in any country and promote him to Imam, this gives Ahmadiyya INC a local with whom they can better negotiate with local politicians.

The quote
“””Many of the foreign students did not finish the entire curriculum, but they were dispatched as foreign missionaries to their respective homelands. The Second Khalifah ra acknowledged
this in my case and stated that, at my age, I would require more than 8 years to master the Arabic language, let alone the 8 years to complete the standard Jami‘ah missionary program.

The process at that time was that once a student was ready for their missionary work, they were determined to be either domestic or foreign missionaries. Domestic missionaries reported to the Sadr Anjuman and foreign missionaries reported to the Wakil-e-Tabshir of the Tehrik-e-Jadid Office. I was the latter and my salary of 50 rupees per month was paid out of the Tehrik-e-Jadid Office.  In fact, none of the foreign missionaries during my enrollment in Jami‘ah completed the full Jami‘ah program, including Kunze, who was a German already enrolled, but left at the same time I did.

There are several examples of outstanding missionaries who similarly did not complete the formal Jami‘ah course such as Bashir Orchard of Glasgow.””””

See, Perseverance, See page 159.

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