
In terms of Syed Abdul Latif, Ahmadiyya editors/writers refuse to mention that this guy was given money from the govt. of Afghanistan to go for Hajj, however, he misappropriated those funds and went to Qadian and probably gave MGA the money (See the Afghan Martyrs, by Bashir Ahmad Rafiq 1995, page 45). The picture in the above is from the Al-Hakam website,  A single page agreement was signed on this day, which gave birth to the famous Durand Line (borderline between Afghanistan and Pakistan). This accord was reached between Sir Mortimer Durand, a British diplomat and civil servant of the British Raj, and Abdur Rahman Khan, the Afghan Amir, to fix the limit of their respective spheres of influence and improve diplomatic relations and trade. The Afghan side was represented by Hazrat Sahibzada Abdul Latifra (who later did Bai‘at of Hazrat Ahmadas and was martyred in Kabul) with others dignitaries. The original 1893 agreement was written in English, with translated copies in Dari.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________An additional reference that we need to find
Frank Martin, an Italian engineer serving at that time in Kabul, was a witness to the whole event. He writes:

    “This new man (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani), therefore, if his preaching was listened to, would upset Muhammadanism, and as he preached that Mussalmans must regard Christians as brothers, and not as infidel, this would render useless the Amir’s chief weapon, Jehad (religious war), in case of English or Russian aggression. So the Amir, when he heard of all this, sent word to the Moullah (Latif) to return, and the Moullah did so, preaching the new religion as he came and as soon as he was well within the boundaries of the country, he was made prisoner and brought to Kabul.”

Frank A Martin Under the Absolute Amir , Harper and Brothers, London, 1907, p. 203.
Under the absolute Amir, by Frank Martin 1907

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