You can find this online herein. MGA denied all types of offensive and violent Jihad, especially against a government that allowed for total religious freedom. However, Ahmadi’s deny this nowadays, since most Ahmadis’ don’t follow MGA, they follow their Khalifa’s. In fact, in 1911, Ahmadi’s were calling MGA a law-bearing prophet based on the idea that he abrogated Jihad. In 1947, the Ahmadiyua Khalifa authorized Violent and offensive Jihad and thus contradicted his fathers’ work. The Mirza family even wrote that it was OK to kill Ahmadi’s, since Pakistani Ahmadi’s were fighting vs. India and many Ahmadi’s were in the Indian military in 1947, see the Furqan Force.

This essay was published in the ROR of January 1903
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Noorudin said that if MGA even claimed law-bearing prophethood, it was OK

Noorudin didn’t care if Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed even law-bearing prophethood

_____________________________________________________________________________________________Related Essays

From 1901 to roughly 1922 Ahmadis believed MGA=Muhammad

Click to access RR190201.pdf

“Nabi-ullah Ka Zahoor” aka “Appearance of the Prophet of Allah” ( April of 1911) by Muhammad Zahir al-Din

Ahmadiyya leadership authorized violent Jihad in 1947-48

The Furqan Force


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