Remember, in 1886, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said his son’s birth (musleh maud) would be as-if God himself had been birthed.

In terms of angels, MGA claimed to have seen over 10+ angels in his life. However, it should be noted that MGA’s son, Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud Ahmad also claims to have seen angels at age 17. We haven’t found the original source for this information. Nevertheless, in Ahmadiyya sources it is said that before his Khilafat, in 1906, Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud Ahmad was taught Surah Fatiha by an angel. They even go so far as to claim that angel taught Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud Ahmad the last two verses of Surah Fatiha and that no one before him had ever learned this knowledge. This is absurd!!!! It should be noted that in 1906, this information wasn’t published in any Ahmadi journal. Further, the Al-Badr magazine was claiming that MGA’s famous son, Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud Ahmad received the same revelations as MGA in 1905 (See the ref in the below).

In 2012, the Qadiani-Ahmadi’s published Fazl-e-Omar and published this story (see pages 255-256). In this same book, they claim that the Khalifa said in 1944 at the Jalsa that angels taught him (see page 293).

MGA claimed to be surrounded by angels all the time, he even called himself as as having Ruhul-Qudus (1891), in fact, his famous Khutbah ilhamiya was a situation wherein MGA claimed that his tongue was taken over by Gabriel. MGA had some weird angels who would visit him, sometimes, they would dance, sometimes they would bring money and call themselves Tichi Tichi. In 1905, MGA had a revelation of his published in his newspaper the Al-Badr wherein he described meeting an angel named Tichi Tichi. By 1907, MGA gave an explanation of this incident via Haqiqatul Wahy. However, this issue still haunts Ahmadi’s to this day. This is an embarrassing event in the history of Ahmadiyya. There were other strange angels who interacted with MGA, like Mithal Lal, Darshani, Khairati, Ayal or Ail, Sher Ali, and Hafeez. MGA had some weird angels who would visit him, sometimes, they would sing and dance. MGA even claimed that Noorudin and Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi were the 2 angels that he descended with, per the famous hadith.

[Badr, vol. 1, no. 4, April 27, 1905, p. 1]
Online english edition of Tadhkirah, 2018-2019 edition

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“””Badr writes:
God Almighty always helps Prophets through His angels who urge people to goodness and guide them to the truth. On the same night Sahibzadah Miyań Mahmud Ahmad saw in his dream that the Promised Messiah had received the revelation:

In the morning he mentioned this to the Promised Messiah who confirmed that he had received this revelation.”””

Links and Related Essay’s

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had an angel named Mithan Lal

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that Noorudin and Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi were the 2 angels that he descended with

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had an angel named Hafeez

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had an angel named Sher Ali

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had an angel named Khairati

Angels dance and sing for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad


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