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"false arguments"

Holger Kersten and the false idea of Jesus of India

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his team of writers totally lied about Jesus in India, in fact, MGA’s teams book, “Jesus in India”, Yuz Asaf is not mentioned at all, this book was published per the order of Noorudin in late 1908. They took the lies of Nicholas Notovitch and spun them for their own benefit. However, they went toooo far and claimed that Esa (as) = Yuz Asaf, which has been totally disproven. In fact, Max Muller disproved it back in the early 1900’s.
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MGA used Lekh Ram’s arguments vs. Esa (as)

Ahmadis are all over the internet arguing that MGA loved Esa (As), they refuse to put all of MGA’s comments together and then decide, they only want to judge MGA on a few of the positive statements that he made in terms of Esa (As). This is yet another case of academic dishonesty. We have collected lots of quotes from Anjam-e-Athim and posted them here, the most shocking is wherein MGA calls the grandmothers of Lekh Ram as prostitutes.

It should be noted that Lekh Ram got his arguments from The Satyartha Prakasha (1875), which was written by Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who was assassinated soon thereafter. Dayanand seems to have gotten his arguments from Rahmatullah Kairanawi. Later on, in 1899, MGA wrote in Tiryaq ul Qulub that he only cursed the Christian missionaries in an attempt to protect. Thus, it is proven that MGA was working in-cahootz with the Christian missionaries in an attempt to smear Islam.
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Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said that Maryam could create male sperm and impregnate herself

In April-May of 1908, in Chashma-e-Marifat, MGA and his team of writers wrote that Maryam had both male and female “characteristics” and was thus able to impregnant herself via male sperm if she ever got excited. They were arguing that Hindu’s shouldn’t object to the miraculous birth since strange stories of births exist in Hindu literature. Such a ridiculous argument, MGA presented false arguments like this all the time, for example, vs. Athim (Christian)(in 1893) MGA argued against the miraculous birth of Eisa (as) and gave examples like insects being born in the rainy season out of nothing.

This was the first time that MGA and his team wrote as such, however, they did go back and forth on the birth of Eisa (as) and ultimately landed on the “Hermaphrodite Theory”. In 2022, A qadiani-Ahmadi named Dr. Jalil Ahmad Bhatti wrote an article wherein he accused Maryam of being a hermaphrodite. In 2023, I asked the West Africans about this and they had no idea. Also in 2023, Maulvi Razi Ullah Noman has admitted that Maryam had both male and female reproductive organs.

In Nov. of 2023, Tahir Nasser accused Maryam of having hormonal imbalance. Tahir Nasser also accused Maryam of seeing a handsome man (an angel) and getting excited, having an orgasm, and thus impregnating herself (see the scan in the below).

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#Ahmadi’s lie about the writings of Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi on prophethood via Tahdhir al-Nas

#ahmadis are known liars. They have been taught to lie by their mullahs. In the case of Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi and his writings on the end of prophethood in Tahdhir al-Nas, #ahmadis incorrectly claim that Nanautavi believed that prophethood was open after Muhammad (Saw) for new prophets. This is a total lie. Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi only said that it is Allah’s business whether there are other worlds or not, and Allah could have parallel universes wherein additional prophets might be working and etc. Ahmadi’s have been using these false arguments for about 100 years and refuse to stop. Mufti Muneer Ahmed Akhoon explains it all herein too. It should also be noted that Nanotvi [founder of Madressah Deoband], and a renowned Christian Priest and a renowned Hindu priest at “Fair for God-Consciousness” in 1876. The audience can access the proceedings of this here (link). I can only feel sad for the audience that cannot read Urdu because this is an immensely entertaining read even for people who don’t agree with any of the three schools of thought. Qasim Nanotvi was an exceptional scholar, no doubt. He did not request for days upon days to give written responses like Mirza Ghulam Ahmed sahab used to do. He did not do insult or ridicule any of the religions he was debating with. He exhibited exceptional, intimate and accurate knowledge of both Christian and Hindu scriptures. All this in real time with an audience right in front of him. Ahmadis might want to appropriate this piece of work and claim that Nanotvi learnt from Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, but it is a fact that this happened decades before Mirza Ghulam Ahmed sahab appeared on the scene.

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Uncloaking Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s Guru Nanak

We have found an expose’ of MGA and sikhism and have posted in the below.
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“Victory of Islam” or “Fateh-e-Islam”—-book review

On Jan 22nd, 1891, MGA and team of editors and ghost writers published Fateh-e-Islam (Victory of Islam)(see Muhammad Ali, see page 491)(read the Lahori-Ahmadi version herein)(also read the first ever english translation from the Lahori-Ahmadi’s in 1923 and from Madras)(Check out Zahid Aziz’s newer english translation herein), and Taudhe Mauram (Elucidation of Objectives)(read the Lahori-Ahmadi version herein) and Izala Auham Part 1 and 2. The ROR of June-July-1940 alleges that this book was published from the Riyaz-e-Hind press and 700 copies were published of which 300 were set aside for Muslims, Christians and Hindu divines who can’t afford it.

MGA quoted 10 verses of the Quran in this book, none of these had to do with Eisa (as) and his alleged death, they are as follows: 3:61 (3:62 in the Qadiani Quran), 3:92 (3:93 in the Qadiani Quran), 5:105 (5:106 in the Qadiani Quran), 61:2-3 (61:3-4 in the Qadiani Quran), 73:15 (73:16 in the Qadiani Quran), 78:28 (78:29 in the Qadiani Quran), 97:3-5 (97:4-6 in the Qadiani Quran). Thus, MGA twisted 10 verses of the Quran in this book.
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Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was considered a Kafir in 1884, before his wildest claims

Ahmadis will be seen running around making many false arguments. They are brainwashed to learn these arguments, so thus, they never listen or seek to understand why people don’t believe in Ahmadiyya, aka the Mirza family business. Even Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan tore of the Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya and sent it back to Qadian in that condition, which enraged MGA. MGA was also accused of claiming prophethood by the Ahl-e-Hadith, only Batalvi defended him. I have written a full review of BA3 herein.

In 1902, MGA mentions this incident in “I’jaz-e-Ahmadi”, in english as “Miracle of Ahmad”, he mentions 3 ahl-e-hadith imam’s who called him Kafir: Muhammad, Abdul Aziz and Abdullah. MGA explains that they called him Kafir since MGA had named himself as Eisa (As) and ascribedall the prophecies of Eisa (as) onto himself. Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi argues on behalf of MGA and told Muhammad, Abdul Aziz and Abdullah (ahl-e-hadith imam’s from Ludhiana) that they were wrong with their assertions, since MGA was also claiming that Eisa (As) would physically return in the same book. However, time would tell, MGA was lying. He lied about his prophethood the same way.
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Ibn Taymiyya on the physical return of Esa (As)

Ahmadi trolls are taught to lie by their mullahs, and they thus do so. They run around the internet and other areas totting these false arguments. I recently came across a half-quote from ahmadiyya troll-sters in terms of Ibn Taymiyya, in this quote, Ahmadi trolls are trying to assert that even Ibn Taymiyya believed that esa (As) died, however, this is a lie by Ahmadis.

The true beliefs of Ibn Taymiyya
Ibn Taymiyya stated that Surah Al ‘Imran: 55 indicates that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, but most likely experienced a kind of “sleep death.” He then wrote: This verse is proof that the death of Jesus (pbuh) is not being referred to… The word al-tawaffi [the infinitive form of the word mutawafeeka used] in the verse requires the death of the soul without that of the body, or of both, but with the existence of another piece of evidence explaining the circumstances in this sense. The meaning may be the death of sleep (as in Surat al-An’am:60). The words at the end of the verse, to the effect that: “I shall separate you purified from the unbelievers,” are also along these lines. Had Jesus’ (pbuh) body been separated from his soul, then his body would be in the ground, as with the other prophets. (Imam Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu’ Fatawa (The Collected Fatwas), trans. by Abdurrahman ibn Muhammad ibn Qasim al-Asimi an-Najdi, (Riyadh: 1991), 4:322-23. (emphasis added by the author)


Ibn Taymiyya also says, “Al-tawaffa in the Arabic language means: to exact fully or take in full. It takes three forms; the first: to take in sleep; the second: to take in death; and the third: to take the body and soul all together.” (Al-Jawab Al-Sahih 2/83)

Imam Ibn Taymiyya opined: The verse “He raised him to His Presence” … explains that Jesus (pbuh) was raised in both body and soul. (Imam Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu’ Fatawa, trans. by Abdurrahman ibn Muhammad ibn Qasim al-Asimi an-Najdi, 4:323)
Links and Related Essay’s

Ibn Taymiyya – Wikipedia

Ibn Taymiyyah on the differences between a Nabi (Prophet) and Rasul (Messengers) – ahmadiyyafactcheckblog

Ahmadiyya and their lies on Ibn Taymiyyah – ahmadiyyafactcheckblog


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Dr. Balogan, the famous African-Ahmadi who left Ahmadiyya in 1974

In a series of articles published in Nigeria during 1974, Dr. Ismail A. B. Balogun, a high level Ahmadi leader, refuted the tenets of Ahmadiyyah and publicly denounced the Movement he had been born and raised in. A Professor of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the University of Ibadan, Algeria, Dr. Balogun had dedicated his life to the cause of Ahmadiyyah and had raised through the ranks to become a top spokesman and ambassador for the Movement. Throughout the years, his well articulate and emotional speeches had motivated many young Ahmadis. Similarly, his public departure and the commotion and debates that pursued caused many educated individuals to realize the truth and abandon Ahmadiyyah. Read the full story in the below (See also the ROR of Dec-1989).
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