In the Review of Religions of May-1940 the Qadiani-Ahmadi’s called the Rigveda as a revealed book (and the Vedas), and alleged that it mentioned MGA and Qadian (Kudun). The author seems to be a man named Pandit Rudra Deva Shastri, the title of his article was “Number of Vedas and their receivers”. He seems to have been a new convert to Qadiani-Ahmadiyyat. Pandit Rudra Deva Shastri has another essay in the ROR of Oct-1940, Nov-1940 and Dec-1940. He has another essay in the ROR of Feb-1941, and it gives his location as Qadian.

Links and Related Essay’s

Click to access 1940-May.pdf

1940 May ROR


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