He was the father of Sir Muhammad Allama Iqbal. Its unclear if he ever converted to Ahmadiyya.

He was a Kashmiri Brahmin Sapru which had converted to Islam in the 19th century, when the Sikh Empire was conquering Kashmir, his grandfather’s family migrated to PunjabHe worked as a tailor, not formally educated, but a religious man (See Schimmel). He was married to Imam Bibi, a Punjabi Muslim from Sialkot, was described as a polite and humble woman who helped the poor and her neighbours with their problems. She died on 9 November 1914 in Sialkot. His eldest son was Shaikh Ata Muhammad, who also joined Ahmadiyya and later renounced it. He died on Aug 17, 1930. He had a brother who also joined Ahmadiyya, his name was Ghulam Qadir, a Munshi from Siaklot. 

Links and Related Essays

Schimmel, Annemarie (1962). Gabriel’s wing: a study into the religious ideas of Sir Muhammad Iqbal. Brill Archive. pp. 34–45.

Mir, Mustansir (2006). Iqbal. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 1-84511-094-3.
