It seems that in July-August of 1907, the Al-Badr and Al-Hakam magazine’s (these are official Ahmadiyya sources) published a revelation of MGA wherein MGA was asserting that cholera was about to break out in the summer. MGA was in Qadian in all of 1907, he never left.

Less than a year later, MGA was in Lahore and contracted cholera and died within 4-5 hours. Dr. Abdul Hakim Khan had predicted this, as did Maulvi Sanaullah. It should also be noted that Ahmadi authors highlighted that cholera broke out as a punishment for the death of Syed Abdul Latif. MGA had threatened others with death via cholera too.

The quote
[Badr, vol. 6, no. 31, August 1, 1907, p. 4 and
al-Hakam, vol. 11, no. 27, July 31, 1907, p. 3]

“”July 1907
(1) [Urdu] Cholera is about to break out. (The words [of the revelation] are as quoted [above]. Allah knows best.)

Translation: (2) [Arabic] I shall humiliate him who designs to humiliate you and I shall help him who designs to help you.

(3) And I saw in a dream that I gave a woman three rupees and said to her: ‘I shall myself provide for the shroud’, as if somebody had died and preparations for his burial were going forward.”””

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