1954 is an interesting year in the history of #ahmadiyya. The Khalifa was allegedly stabbed in the back in the early part of 1954 at Masjid Mubarak in Rabwah on a Wednesday. The Khalifa then toured London and Europe again. In December, the Jalsa was held in Rabwah. Not a single Ahmadi was killed in the year of 1954. In the below, we have produced a book which seems to be a speech by the Khalifa on a Tuesday, during the Jalsa at Rabwah. The 1956 Jalsa would be the final Jalsa wherin the 2nd Khalifa would give a speech.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________1954, December 28th

The Khalifa claims that 17:104 (17:105 in the Qadiani Quran) means that Jews will get their own country. This was the Jalsa of 1954.

He also said that America and their nuclear bombs (H-bombs and A-bombs) can’t stop Muslims of getting it back. Nor can Russia. The Jews in Israel is temporary (arzi). Muslims of the Ummah will for sure (lazmee) take it back over. The Khalifa claims that this is destiny (taqdir), and keeps saying that the land of Israel was destined to be in Muslim hands.

Scan of page 78, wherein the Khalifa claims 

Scan wherein the Khalifa says that America and their nuclear bombs can’t stop Muslims of getting it back. Nor can Russia. The jews in Israel is temporary (arzi). 

Links and Related Essay’s

The 1956 Jalsa Salana at Rabwah, Pakistan


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