Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif (H.A.)(Medalist) was working as the assistant Imam at London for the Qadiani-Ahmadi’s in 1932 (See ROR of March-1932), its unclear how he qualified for such a a position. He was working under Ahmadi murrabi Maulvi Farzand Ali. Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif’s father was Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain Bhatti.

In late 1935, he seems to have moved back to Qadian (See ROR of Jan-1936) and after the partition (1947) he worked as Naib Wakil-ul-Tabshir in Tehrik-e-Jadid, Rabwah. The 5th Khalifa mentioned him in his Friday Sermon of Aug-30-2019, he gave his full name as Chaudhry Muhammad Yaar Arif.


His father Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain Bhatti did bai‘at in 1905 through a letter and travelled personally to Qadian in 1907. Almost half of the population of his village in Sargodha accepted Ahmadiyyat through his tabligh (preaching).


His father Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain Bhatti did bai‘at in 1905 through a letter and travelled personally to Qadian in 1907. Almost half of the population of his village in Sargodha accepted Ahmadiyyat through his tabligh (preaching).

Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif (H.A.)(Medalist) was working as the assistant Imam at London for the Qadiani-Ahmadi’s in 1932 (See ROR of March-1932).

Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif (Secretary and assistant imam of the London mosque) wrote a report on Ahmadiyya in London on July 20th, 1933, this report was published in the ROR of Sep-1933. He mentioned how Dard gave a speech to many visitors, how Zafrullah Khan was there. Zafrullah Khan had been in England for about 3 months, (June, July, August) and would be travelling to Canada on behalf of the British Government and then to the USA.

The ROR of Dec-1933 has a report of missionary work by Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif (assistant imam of the London mosque) dated Oct-26-1933. He reports that Maulana Abdur Raheem Dard gave the Friday sermon. He then alleges that a Mr. and Mrs. Kween have accepted Ahmadiyya.
He also alleges that a South African man named Dr. Sullaiman’s (who was allegedly one of the most sincere Ahmadi’s of England) brother-in-law had converted to Ahmadiyya. He reports how Zafrullah Khan was in England and helping the Ahmadiyya mission. Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif claims to have went to Hyde park and did some preaching.

The ROR of Oct-1935 reports how Maulvi Muhammad Yar Arif is set to return to Qadian soon, this photo is posted:

He seems to have returned to British-India, he was at the 1935 Jalsa at Qadian.

He gave a speech at the Jalsa of 1936 at Qadian (see the ROR of Jan-1937), his speech topic was the enemies of Ahmadiyya.
Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 24, p. 689

Muhammad Yar Arif Sahib, along with Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyar, represented the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in the annual session of the Muslim League on 23 March 1940, in which the Lahore Resolution, also called the Pakistan Resolution, was passed. Thus, this was a historic moment which they had the honour to be a part of. 

His father Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain Bhatti passed away on 5 November 1968. He did bai‘at in 1905 through a letter and travelled personally to Qadian in 1907. Almost half of the population of his village in Sargodha accepted Ahmadiyyat through his tabligh (preaching).

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