

Thorough research work on the Ahmadiyya Movement, #ahmadiyya #ahmadiyyat #ahmadiyyafactcheckblog #messiahhascome

In the USA, the Ahmadiyya Movement never spoke out vs. Jim Crow laws (1936)!!

The famous Ahmadiyya schism erupted in Pittsburgh in 1934, via Saeed Akmal and Sheikh Ahmad Nasir. Saeed Akmal called Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman Bengali a slave master, an uncle Tom (See Dannin. A few months earlier, in Cleveland (in the mission house and followers of Wali Akram), another Qadiani-Ahmadi Maulvi named Muhammad Yusuf Khan openly exploited African-American’s and even had them buy him a car (See Dannin, page 98). Muhammad Yusuf Khan even had them pay for his travel to British-India. However, while Muhammad Yusuf Khan was gone to British-India (on an import/export run), the African-American’s figured out that they were being exploited and sold all of Muhammad Yusuf Khan’s furniture and ousted his heir too (some desi guy who didn’t know Arabic). Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman Bengali ran to Cleveland and promised changes and publicly denounced Muhammad Yusuf Khan and thus quelled the situation for a few months. Check out the full history of Ahmadiyya in the USA herein.

The schism between the converts and the missionaries had widened into a gulf by the latter half of 1936, when Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman Bengali demanded more money for return travel from India. He pressured Ahmadiyya stalwarts in Pittsburgh and Chicago while urging the Clevelanders to pay their arrears. The whole structure of Ahmadiyya authority was based on this material sign of loyalty. Any breach of unity was tantamount to blasphemy against Allah, he warned. Wali Akram famously quits Ahmadiyya in Cleveland in the summer of 1936.

Nevertheless, in late 1936 a full-on rebellion took place between the African-American pseudo Ahmadi’s and the Ahmadi immigrant Maulvi’s from British India. African-American’s like Wali Akram and Saeed Akmal alleged that Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman Bengali, did little to change the Jim Crow system of double standards. It became known that he organized Sufi rites for white people but kept African Americans segregated in their mosque. Those who questioned his practices were told that black people weren’t ready for Sufism, an affront that prompted one anti missionary partisan to retort, “I’d rather be a friend of the white man than be a friend of yours. . . . You have nothing to offer me, not even the Arabic language because all you know is Urdu. You don’t even know Arabic, just enough Arabic to read the Quran and that’s it! (This is the testimony of Hameeda Mansur, audiotape interview by author, Cleveland, August 25, 1990, via Dannin). At some point in 1936, while at Juma prayer, Wali Akram announced his independence from the Ahmadiyya Movement (Qadiani) in dramatic fashion, he had a dream. Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman Bengali heard about all of the turmoil and rushed to Cleveland where he found Wali Akram in the Mosque (mission house) giving Arabic lessons. Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman Bengali yelled out that this mission house was property of the Ahmadiyya Movement and anyone not loyal to Ahmadiyya should leave, practically the whole congregation left (See Hameeda Mansur, audiotape interview by author, Cleveland, Aug-25-1990, via Dannin).

In this video, Qasim Rashid tried to argue that Ahmadi Maulvi’s in Chicago (must be the 1920’s and 30’s) were against Jim Crow and worked to help African-Americans (3:27 time stamp).

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Becomeamuslimonline is a Qadiani website meant to trap innocent souls and take them away from Islam

The Qadiani-Ahmadi continue to attempt to stop people from finding Islam (see their new website, Become a Muslim | Convert to Islam. They did this in America and essentially destroyed Islam for African Americans for over 70+ years. Nevertheless, this website has been around for a few years and is secretly a Qadiani-Ahmadi website.

Links and Related Essay’s

Become a Muslim | Convert to Islam

The Ahmadiyya Movement empowered African American’s to act like they knew Islam, the case of the “Indigenous Sheikhs”, who eventually created their own social entrepreneurial businesses – ahmadiyyafactcheckblog


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Was Ahmad Jamal really a Qadiani-Ahmadi?

Ahmad Jamal was born as Frederick Russell Jones and allegedly converted to Ahmadiyya in the early 1950’s (see the photo in the below with Nur ul Islam (left), Maulvi Abdus-Shakoor Kunze, a Qadiani-Ahmadi Maulvi in-charge of Chicago). 5 months after he died (2013), the 5th Qadiani-Ahmad Khalifa (Mirza Masroor Ahmad) also claimed that he accepted Ahmadiyya from 1950 to 1965, as he eulogized him. Ahmad Jamal was born as Frederick Russell Jones in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 2 July 1930, Jamal began playing piano at age three. He studied under Mary Cardwell Dawson—noted singing instructor and founder in 1941 of the National Negro Opera Company—at the age of seven, and pianist James Miller during his early teens.

However, his wife and daughter (Sumayah Jamal) didn’t allegedly convert to Ahmadiyya. His daughter seems to be over 40 and she has nothing to do with Ahmadiyya, the 5th Qadiani-Ahmad Khalifa (Mirza Masroor Ahmad) also admitted to this in his eulogization. He isn’t mentioned in any Ahmadiyya newspaper and his daughter must have been born in the 1960’s, and his wife never converted! This proves that Ahmad Jamal wasn’t a chanda paying Ahmadi at all, he was a fair-weather Ahmadi, if he was an Ahmadi at all. There were many Jazz players who accepted Ahmadiyya and then left Ahmadiyya, however, they retained their deviant beliefs, Ahmad Jamal seems to be another example of that. Is Ahmad Jamaal’s version of Nature Boy was his tribute to HMGA? If it was, he never openly stated that.

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Ibn Taymiyyah called for Jihad vs. Alawite Shias and Druze and other Shias

Roughly 700 years ago (roughly 1320), the famous Ibn Taymiyyah wrote a fatwa wherein he argued that it was an obligation on Muslims to do Jihad against Druze, Shi’ites and other claimed heretical sects (see full ref in the below). The Alawites were called the Nusayris at that time and seem to have worked with the Mongols during and after their invasion (their founder is Ibn Nusayr).

Surveys suggest Alawites represent an important portion of the Syrian population and are a significant minority in the Hatay Province of Turkey and northern Lebanon. There is also a population living in the village of Ghajar in the Golan Heights. Alawites form the dominant religious group on the Syrian coast and towns near the coast, which are also inhabited by SunnisChristians, and Ismailis. They are often confused with the Alevis, a distinct religious sect in Turkey.

In the early 1910’s and 1920’s, over 40,000 (my own estimation) Alawite Shias moved to American as part of a worker scheme by auto manufacturers in the USA (like Ford). These factories, which were mostly in the North refused to hire black people and instead hired Alawite Shias and paid them handsomely. The most infamous person was Wallace Fard (aka Master Fard Muhammad) who was eventually arrested and deported.

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The Double eclipse in Ramadhan-2024 and how it disproves MGA

Roughly every 22-23 years, in the month of Ramadhan, there is a Lunar and Solar eclipse. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his team of writers didn’t know this in 1894, thus, they alleged that these double eclipses in Ramadhan had never happened before and quoted a certain fabricated Shia hadith. The Pioneer Mail newspaper of British-India reported on the eclipses before Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Also read how Fatih Masih told/urged MGA to make his claim of being the Mahdi based on the recent double eclipses in the month of Ramadhan in 1894.

Moreover, the fabricated Shia hadith (from Dar-e-Qutni) did mention a unique event, it alleged that “”The moon will be eclipsed on the first night of Ramadaan and the sun will be eclipsed halfway through””. This is a fact! This has never happened in the history of the world. MGA and his team purposely misunderstood the fabricated hadith in the first place. Factually, the double eclipses only happen on roughly Ramadhan-15 (lunar) and Ramadhan-28 (solar), this literally happens every 22-23 years. By roughly 1907, MGA and his team were acknowledging that these eclipses do happen every so often and then they were trying to add a nuance to attach to their false argument (See Haqiqqatul Wahy).

In 2024, we had the lunar eclipse on March-25-2024 (15th night of Ramadhan), and a solar eclipse on April 8-2024 (28th night of Ramadhan). Thus proving that MGA and his silly team of writers twisted even fabricated sources with impunity. They even connected this specific report to the voice of Muhammad (saw)(which is a lie).

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Allama Shibli Nomani and the Qadiani’s in 1912

Allama Shibli Nomani, a prominent Muslim leader organized a Jalsa (gathering) in Lucknow on 6-8 April 1912 (See pages 134-135), in an effort to find the solution to this issue. On his invitation, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (before his Khilafat) and Khwaja Kamaluddin attended this event.

It seems that Allama Shibli Nomani was super friendly with Maulvi Noorudin and even wrote him letters in 1900 and a delegation of Ahmadi’s went to go and see him in 1910 (See the Al-Badr, 27 October 1910, p. 10).

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Mirza Ghulam Ahmad told #Ahmadis that #Allah is dead (mazala)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad argued that if Allah isn’t talking anymore via Wahi/ilham/Kashf and etc., then (mazala), Islam is a dead religion with a dead God (See Tadhkiratu-Shahadatain, 1903) and see pages 130 and 243). In fact, this was MGA’s entire argument in the Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya 1-4 series. MGA took these arguments from the Christian missionaries (as he protected them) and threw on Muslims in India in jest.

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Noble Drew Ali and his “Moorish Science Temple of America” are a splinter sect of the Qadiani-Ahmadi’s

In late 1922, Mufti Muhammad Sadiq delivered five lectures in Detroit at the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) meetings (organization by Marcus Garvey); out of the 40 converts, one of them, Mufti Sahib said, was an enthusiastic young man with the name Rev Sutton (aka Sheikh Abdus Salam). Rev. BD Sutton, who became the enthusiastic Ahmadiyya preacher Sheikh Abdus Salam, had been one of at least 40 pan-Africanist Garveyites that joined the movement following Sadiq’s five lectures to the Universal Negro Improvement Association in Detroit.

The Ahmadiyya Movement falsely empowered African-American’s to act like they knew Islam, these “Indigineous Sheikhs” eventually created their own social entrepreneurial businesses, most notably the Nation of Islam via Elijah Muhammad (Mirza Tahir Ahmad claims that Elijah Poole met Mufti Muhammad Sadiq). Another is Noble Drew Ali, who opened up his center less than a mile from the Qadiani residential temple/mosque on Wabash Ave in Chicago. He seems to have met Mufti Muhammad Sadiq and thoroughly learned Ahmadiyya beliefs in 1922 and 1923. Sheikh Ahmad Din (aka Fahamme Rasool) is another as well as Wali Akram, Sheikh Ashiq Ahmad, Saeed Akmal, Sheikh Nasir Ahmad and many others (See Dannin and Hakim). Noble Drew Ali even endorsed the “Jesus in India” theory (see his Circle 7 Quran), thus proving that he was influenced by the Qadiani’s.

In 1922, Mufti Muhammad Sadiq began giving African-American’s the title of “Sheikh”. Thus, Sheikh Ahmad Din was the first ever African-American to become an Ahmadi missionary (Sheikh)(however, without going to jamia). He appears in the Moslem Sunrise of July-1922 (see page 119). There were many others who were grandfathered in and made Sheikh‘s by Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, we don’t have a full list because a full list was never published, however, the al-hakam makes many errors. Nevertheless, it was these “African-American Indigenous Sheikhs” who twisted Islam further with Ahmadiyya beliefs (Lahori and Qadiani) + Alawite Shia beliefs. The Alawite Shias were in Detroit and other parts of America as immigrated workers in the Ford plant and other mining areas, they were persecuted in the Ottoman Empire, the majority of Arab workers were Syrian Christian. Read about the Qadiani sales pitch to American Negro herein.

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MGA and disconnected/weak hadith reports

Recently, the famous Qadiani-Ahmadi Maulvi Razi got caught lying as he tried to explain how MGA falsely attributed hadith to Muhammad (saw). In 1908 and via Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, MGA alleged that Muhammad (saw) allegedly said “that there was a prophet in India with black complexion and his name was Kahin, meaning Kanahya, who is also called Krishan…..”. However, this is a total lie, MGA quoted “Tarikh-i-Hamdani”, however, these words (Kaala Rasoolulah) are not written in the text (See Adnan Rashid explaining this to a Qadiani-Ahmadi Maulvi) and (“Taarikh-i-Hamdaan Dailami” Baab-ul-Kaaf. See Pocket book p: 854 by Malik Abdur Rehman Khadim 6th edition Published in 1952).(Hadis book “firdaus ul akbar”, dailmi hadis written in 407 hijri)(Taarikh-i-Hamdaan Dailami” 854). There is another reference in terms of the Dark Prophet of India in Malfuzat (see herein). However, this isn’t the only instance, MGA was notorious for lying about hadith and falsely attributed hadith to Muhammad (saw), in fact, in 1894-1895, he did exactly that in terms of the eclipses. In 1893, MGA fabricated an entire hadith about the Mahdi.

When the sahaba narrate who do not narrate from the Israeliyyat and narrating that which they cannot say from their own opinions like what is to come in the future then all such narrations are marfoo to the Prophet Muhammad (sa), meaning the sahaba learned them from the Prophet (saw) Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (rh) makes this clear.

In his powerful book “Fuyudh al-Haramain” Hadrat Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehlvi (rh) mentions a powerful vision he had of the Prophet Muhammad (sa) He says that It was made to reach me from the Prophet Muhammad (sa) that the Hanafi Madhab is a really great madhab and has the most excellent methodology which is closest to the Sunnah as it was from the time of Imam Bukhari (rh) and those from his time.

Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhadith Dehlvi also mentions this in his Muqaddima fi usool al-Hadith. 

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