Dr. Clark helped Abdullah Athim in the famous 15-day debate of 1893, in fact, the debate was held in Dr. Clark’s house in Amritsar. Athim died in 1896, Lekh Ram died in 1897 and now a few people remained alive who had opposed MGA. It seems that MGA sent an undercover Ahmadi to murder Dr. Clark. Read Abdul Hameed’s testimony in the below, it corresponds to pages 138-139 in the Lahori-Ahmadi translation of Kitab ul Barriya (1897). This court case happened in 1897.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________From “Kitab ul Barriya”, aka “Account of Exoneration” (1897)

Statement of Abdul Hameed
I am the son of Sultan Mahmud who lived in Jhelum. I came to Amritsar about 19 or 20 days ago. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib of Qadian, District Gurdaspur, called me to his house and talked to me. He asked me to go to Dr. Clarke at Amritsar and kill him somehow or other. He knew me already but spoke to me about this affair on that particular day. I agreed that I would do just as he had asked. I did this because I am a Muslim and Dr. Clarke was a Christian. Mirza sahib had told me that it was permissible for a Muslim to kill a Christian.  Then I went to Amritsar with this intention. I went to Dr. Clarke and said that I was first a Hindu, then I became a Muslim and now wanted to become a Christian. I also told him that I had been sent by Mirza
sahib. Dr. Clarke sent me to the hospital where Christians live and receive education. I stayed in Amritsar for four or five days. Then Dr. Clarke sent me to another hospital which is in Beas. Yesterday Dr. Clarke asked me why I had come to Amritsar. Then I disclosed the real truth and said that I had been sent by Mirza sahib to kill Dr. Clarke, but I had now changed my mind. I feel sorry and repent.  I have had this statement written of my own free will. I was a follower of Mirza sahib for two or three months at Qadian, prior to his asking me to go to Amritsar. Before going to Qadian, I have been at Gujrat where a Christian clergyman used to teach me. He wanted to send me to Rawalpindi but Muslims took hold of me and sent me to Mirza sahib. My father was a farmer and a maulvi. He was not a follower of Mirza sahib. After his death, my paternal uncle Burhan-ud-Din brought me up. He lived in Jhelum and was a follower of Mirza sahib.  I had another paternal uncle Luqman. He married my mother after the death of my father. No one was present when Mirza sahib instructed me to go to Amritsar. He took me to a separate room in his house and said this to me. While I was with Mirza sahib I only studied the
Quran. Maulvi Nur-ud-Din taught me. Before that particular day when he asked me to do this job, Mirza sahib liked me very much. But before that he never said anything to me about the murder of Dr. Clarke. Nor did Hakim Nur-ud-Din do so. I do not know if any other man came from Qadian after me. Mirza sahib asked me to kill Dr. Clarke with a stone when I got an opportunity to find him alone. My paternal uncle Burhan-ud-Din was a zealous Muslim. Mirza sahib had told me to come to Qadian after murdering Dr. Clarke. I would be quite safe there. I am Gakhhtar by caste. I am sixteen or seventeen years old.
Read and accepted correct.
1st August 1897.
Seal: True copy, Signature
Head Clerk. Signed.
A.E. Martineau
District Magistrate.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Links and Related Essays

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