Dear readers, Ahmadiyya disproves itself when we see the lengths that they go to disprove facts. All Ahmadiyya and neutral records up to May 1908 show that MGA was born in either 1839 or 1840. Furthermore, Ahmadiyya editors purposely edited (and added to) the appendix of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya Vol-5 as they were desperately trying to make MGA look older so as to fulfill the “age-prophecy”, they then published it in October of 1908. BA5 was never written by MGA, it was his editors who inserted the information in BA5 trying to show that MGA was 70 by 1905. Furthermore, they also inserted the part wherein MGA claims 5 years more or less of 80.  Thus, they created a window of age from 74 to 85. The ROR of July 1908 asserted that MGA’s correct year of birth was 1836 or 1837 (see page 235), thus the Khalifa wrote exactly this in 1916 in his short autobiography on his father’s life. The Moslem Sunrise used 1837 and later 1836 and finally 1835 after 1946.

Firstly, they totally avoided MGA’s comments from Kitab ul Barriyya, or ROR of 1906, or the Punjab Chiefs of 1910, all 3 of these indicate that MGA was born in either 1839 or 1840.
Moreover, as you will see, in March of 1914, they almost exclusively quoted BA5 as they argue that MGA was at least 74 when he died. The only issues are when “village-people” give estimates of age, wherein their math is normally off. Which is exactly what MGA was made to do by his editors after 1900 or so. Ahmadi’s use these estimates to “cast-doubt” on MGA himself, as they claim that MGA erred in this regard.

The PDF, see pages 81–93
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MGA was born in 1839, per the ROR of June 1906 and many other sources

The Moslem Sunrise on the Date of Birth of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 1836 or 1837?


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