As we all know, Noorudin, Maulvi Abdul Karim and MGA were all influenced by the writings of Sir Syed. Sir Syed denied all miracles in Islam by 1880, he denied the Islamic creation theory, the return of Esa (as), the arrival of the Mahdi, the physicality of the Mir’aj, all the hadith work, etc etc etc. Obviously, Noorudin and Abdul Karim knew each other in 1880 and in the below I present data which proves this fact. They would all eventually join MGA’s team of Mullahs and ghost writers, Maulvi Abdul Karim, Maulvi Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, Maulvi Sher Ali, Hakim Fazl Din of Bhera, Noorudin and many others. Some other people who came independently, yet still joined MGA’s team was Maulvi Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi, who was also a member of the Ahl-e-Hadith sect, in fact, uptil his job with MGA, he worked for the founder of the Ahl-e-Hadith sect, Syed Nazeer Husain from Delhi and Siddiq Hasan Khan of Bhopal. Maulvi Muhammad Ali was another, however, he came via Khwaja Kamaluddin and the prominent Ahmadi’s of Lahore.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________The Quote

“””Humble servant (yaqoob Ali) narrates that Hazrat Moulvi Nurdin Khalifa Awal- in the beginning also was influenced by the thoughts and ways of Sir Syed. But in the company, and training of Hazrat Sahib (MGA) -slowly the impression of sir syed washed away. Moulvi Abdul Karim also in the beginning were fond of Sir Syed.”””


Nuzhat Haneef

She wrote about this topic in her book.  Feel free to review that.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Other Data

Lahori-Ahmadis confirmed that Abdul Karim was influenced by Sir Syed (See the HOPE bulletin, Feb 2008).
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Afzal Upal references

He mentions that MGA defended the Orthodox views on the return of Esa (as), as opposed to Sir Syed (M. A. Upal, Towards a computational science of culture, in Proceedings of the27th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, page 2568, Lawrence Earlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 2005). ___________________________________________________________________________
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