My team and I have across some interesting information in terms of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and 17:8 of the Quran. The urdu reference for this is RK, vol. 1, page 601, this most likely corresponds to the original edition of Braheen e Ahmadiyya vol. 4. The 1988 edition of RK will have a different page number. The reference appears in the online english edition of Braheen e Ahmadiyya, vol. 4, page 382. Furthermore, Zahid Aziz, a Lahori-Ahmadi has discussed this entire issue herein. Other Quranic verses that MGA claimed for himself in 1884 are as follow: 48:28, 61:09, 9:32, 21:107, 10:16 and 48:29. It should be noted that in the online english edition, this verse isn’t properly quoted by the Qadiani’s, nor do they acknowledge it as a verse of the Quran.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________17:8 states:

“””””””””””””””””””””It may be that your Lord will now have mercy on you; but if you return to your previous state, We too will return, and We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers.”””””””””””””””””””
The quotation from the Urdu Barahin-i Ahmadiyya, vol. 4, is as follows:

See, Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, vol. 4, online edition, page 382

‘asā rabbu-kum an yarḥama ‘alai-kum wa in ‘ud-tum ‘ud-nā wa ja‘al-nā jahannama lil-kāfirīna ḥaṣīra.

“””””””””””””””””””””It may be that your Lord will now have mercy on you; but if you return to your previous state, We too will return, and We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers.”””””””””””””””””””

The urdu scan

_____________________________________________________________________________________________MGA was trying to quote 17:8 as he projected it onto himself
17:8 actually says:

‘asā rabbu-kum an yarḥama-kum wa in ‘ud-tum ‘ud-nā wa ja‘al-nā jahannama lil-kāfirīna ḥaṣīra (17:8)

“””””””””””””””””””””It may be that your Lord will now have mercy on you; but if you return to your previous state, We too will return, and We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers.”””””””””””””””””””
What are the difference between the two?

Just that the quotation in Barahin-i Ahmadiyya reads yarḥama ‘alai-kum while the verse in the Quran reads yarḥama-kum. The extra ‘alai in Barahin-i Ahmadiyya means ‘on’, while in the verse of the Quran the same ‘on’ is understood. Every English translation of the Quran renders the first part of this verse using “on”, as in : “It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you” (Pickthall).
_____________________________________________________________________________________________The same verse, (17:8) quoted by MGA in his later books

It may be added that the same ilham has been written by MGA sahib in two later books. In both of these its wording is exactly that of the verse of the Quran (‘asā rabbu-kum an yarḥama-kum …). See the book Arba‘in number 2, published 1900 (Ruhani Khaza’in, v. 17, p. 352, lines 7-8) and the book Haqiqat-ul-Wahy, published 1907 (Ruhani Khaza’in, v. 22, p. 85, lines 11-16).
_____________________________________________________________________________________________MGA connected 17:8 with the return of the Messiah
Just beneath the revelation, MGA gives his commentary:

“””This verse here indicates the glorious coming of Hadrat Masih. That is to say that if [people] would not accept [the divine message] through mildness, gentleness, kindness, and graciousness and would rebel against the truth that has been made manifest through conclusive arguments and manifest Signs, then a time is about to come when God Almighty would treat the sinners with severity, sternness, wrath, and harshness. And Hadrat Masih, may peace be on him, would descend in the world with great glory and would cleanse all paths and roads of rubbish, and no trace of the perverted and the crooked would remain [in the world], and divine glory would obliterate the seed of misguidance through its severe manifestation.”””

In the same book, 60 pages forward, MGA asserts that Esa (as) is dead
_______________________________________________________________________________________________Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Vol-4, page 434

MGA writes out a revelation that he claims came from his GOD to him, this revelation that MGA received is actually 3:55 of the Quran. MGA claimed over 30+ revelations from his God which were actually verses of the Quran, this behavior of MGA caused him to be declared as a Kafir by the ulema.

یا عیسٰی انی متوفیك و رافعك اليَّ )و مطھرك من الذین كفروا( 2۔ وجاعل الذین اتبعوك
فوق الذین كفروا الٰی یوم القیٰمة۔ ثلۃ من الاولین و ثلۃ من الاٰخرين۔

“”O ‘Isa, I shall give you full reward or cause you to die and shall raise you towards Me, meaning that I shall raise your status or will raise you from the life on earth towards Me, and I shall
grant predominance to your followers over those who disbelieve, until the Day of Judgment.””
See Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, vol. 4, online english, page 434, edition,

The scan with the referencing error
This quote is from BA4, not BA1.

Links and Related Essay’s

In 1884, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that the Quran 48:29 was also revealed to him

In 1884, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that the Quran 61:09, 48:28 and 9:32 was also revealed to him

In 1882-1884, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was indirectly denying Quran 3:49, as he denied the miracles of Esa (as)


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