Dear readers, Abdur Rahim was an employee of Dr. Clarke.  He gave legal testimony in court about Abdul Hameed.  We found this testimony in MGA’s book,. “kitab ul Barriya” (1897), in a Lahori-Ahmadi translation, pages 173-175.

Statement of Abdur Rahim on solemn affirmation
Son of Jai Singh, caste Christian, resident of Amritsar at present, age
50 years. Stated:

Doctor sahib, the plaintiff, had deputed me to enquire into the affairs of the witness Abdul Hameed. It was about 20 days back.  When I enquired at Batala, all the statements made by Abdul Hameed were found to be false. The following day I, the deponent, went to Qadian, there went straight to the house, to the room where Mirza sahib lived. I did not talk to anyone else. I said to him: “There was a man Ralya Ram who became a Muslim. Now he introduces himself
with the name Abdul Hameed. Who is he?” Mirza sahib said: “He did not become Muslim from Hindu, but is a born Muslim belonging to Jhelum. He is a paternal nephew of Burhan-ud-Din. At Rawalpindi that boy was baptized. Then he became a Muslim again. He has been gone for about eight days now. If you provide him with good food and clothing, he will stay with you”. Then I came down from the house, and a young man, a former Christian whose name is Saidas, and a boy said: “Abdul Hameed has gone after openly abusing Mirza sahib”.  Mirza sahib had also said: “Abdul Hameed also performs a porter’s job, that is, carrying baskets.” Read out to the witness. Is correct. Signature of Judge. Abdur Rahim, in his own hand.

Supplementary statement of Abdur Rahim on solemn affirmation 13th August 1897
In the beginning I was a Hindu barber. Then I became a Muslim. I remained a Muslim for 3 or 4 years. Became a Christian on 11th October 1896. Since 1st February 1897 I have been working under Doctor sahib at a salary of 10 Rupees. When I enquired from Mirza sahib, whatever Mirza sahib stated about Abdul Hameed appeared to be true. The statement of Abdul Hameed was found to be false. I went to Qadian on 23rd July 1897. On Sunday, after return, I had informed
Doctor sahib. Doctor sahib became suspicious of the boy. He asked my opinion. I said: “I cannot give any opinion whether he should be made a Christian or not”. Then the boy was sent to Beas and I accompanied Doctor sahib to Beas. I enquired from Abdul Hameed in the presence of Doctor sahib: “What you have stated does not appear to be true”. He said: “It is like big words out of a small mouth”. Doctor sahib granted him pardon, and he gave out the truth that he had come to kill Doctor sahib. The second or third day after reaching Amritsar on return from Qadian, I had accompanied Doctor sahib from Amritsar to Beas. At Beas, Doctor sahib and myself had enquired from the boy, perhaps in the sitting room. Waris Din, Prem Das, and another Christian were present. Then Doctor sahib asked him to write it. Abdul Hameed wrote in my presence. He wrote before 6 o’clock in the evening. After writing …15 and other attesting witnesses were called. Then we returned to Amritsar the same day by the 6 o’clock train. On alighting from the train Doctor sahib said: “Safeguard this boy”. Prem Das, Waris and myself together took the boy to Sultan Vind. Doctor sahib had perhaps taken Abdul Hameed to his residence or perhaps not. We had taken him straight to Sultan Vind. On a question from Court — When the boy first came, his appearance was that of a killer. He brought food from the market and ate it.  Abdur Rahim in his own hand. Read out. Is correct.  Signature of the Judge.

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