

Thorough research work on the Ahmadiyya Movement, #ahmadiyya #ahmadiyyat #ahmadiyyafactcheckblog #messiahhascome

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"above the law"

The Mirza family was above the law in British-India

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ran free in British-India, he was untouchable. All of the judges in the Punjab knew Mirza Ghulam Ahmad personally and knew his entire family. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s father (Mirza Ghulam Murtaza)(see the Punjab Chiefs, 1865 edition) was extremely favored by the British Government since he helped them in the 1857 struggle for freedom.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad knew this and he kept pushing the limits of human decency since he knew that the British courts would never find him guilty of anything. Thus, MGA only lost one court case (see the case of Karam Din from 1903-1905), and won on appeal.

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Who is Abdul Karim? Father of Amatus Sami-Karim and father-in-law of famous Mahershala Ali

Abdul Karim is the father of Amatus Sami-Karim (she is the wife of Mahershala Ali). There are photo’s of him going back to the 1970’s as he attended jamaat events. Her father seems to have been the local jamaat President in Chicago-East in 2016. He gave an interview to the Qadiani Naveed Khanverse in 2016, which was published in the Ahmadiyya Gazette of Sep-Oct-2017 (See pages 44-52). Abdul Karim is also mentioned in Mahershalla’s conversion story.

Abdul Karim is from Mississippi and is from a Baptist Christian family, he was born in roughly 1940. In roughly 1957, he moved to Chicago to live with his elder brother. In 1962, he was 22 years old, he joined the U.S. military and seems to have served 3 years and got in 1965. He was then introduced to Ahmadiyya by a man named Masood Khan who took him to the Ahmadiyya temple on Wabash Ave in Chicago. He mentions the Mubahila challenge of Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad vs. Billy Graham in 1963, he claims that this affected him towards Qadianiat. Abdul Karim alleges that by 1965, he had understood Qadianism.

Abdul Karim alleges that Sahib Shihab was in-fact an Ahmadi (he might have quit later), as well as Talib Dawood, Dissical Isabel, Suleiman Saud, Ahmad Jamal and Yusuf Lateef. He claims that only Ahmad Jamal and Yusuf Lateef remained as Ahmadi’s and others may have left. He claims that John Coltrane never accepted Islam or Qadianism.

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The second Khalifa only wanted polygamy for himself, not for the above average Qadiani-Ahmadi

The Quran and hadith (specifically hadith) states: “None of you will have faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”  See the quote in the below, it seems to be from 1935 and the 2nd Khalifa, Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud Ahmad eventually had 7 wives and its unclear if they had their own homes, instead they seem to have had rooms in the famous Qasr-e-Khilafat in Qadian and Rabwah. We have also found contradictory statements from the 2nd Khalifa just a year later in 1936, see the quotes in the below.

“In our country, 80% of men cannot even provide two meals to their wives. For such people, it is advised to only marry once. The remaining 20% cannot treat their wives justly. Some are not physically strong enough, and some cannot afford separate houses for each wife. Although Shariah requires separate houses for wives, in our community, there are many conflicts because men fail to build separate houses for their wives. In this context of justice that I have explained, out of a hundred, there would only be a handful who can marry more than once.” [Fatawa Musleh Maud, part 2, pg. 55-56].

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_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Archive link( Ta’addud-e-Azwaaj (Polygamy) Address on 28 September 1936

On 28 September 1936 after Asar prayer Hazrat Khalifatul Maseeh Sani (Second) conducted the nikkah of Molvi Abdus Salam sahab Umar son of Khalifatul Masih Awwal (First) with Sughra begum daughter of Hazrat Mir Umar Saeed sahab Hyderabadi in Masjid Mubarak, Qadian for the bride price (Haq mehar) of one thousand rupees.

After reading the Masnoon (tradition of Muhammad) sermon Khalifatul Masih Sani said:

“I can’t speak much because of cough. It is difficult for me to speak because of the condition of my throat these days and because the effect of a Friday sermon on my condition and the weakness resulting from it doesn’t end before I need to give a subsequent Friday sermon. However, I want to address a few useful points relevant to the nikkah in a few minutes.

This nikkah that I have stood up to announce is a second Nikkah meaning a second mariage. It has become a tradition in our region that people consider second marriage a crime. So when a person is about to commit this act he tries to provide several arguments for it and says that these are the reasons why the second marriage was required (in my case). Or his friends talk with other friends like when a person tries to buy mutton in UP their friends and acquaintances start asking if everything is alright and whether someone is ill at home? Just like that when people talk about someone’s second marriage then some smile and others who are against it create a lot of rhetoric. The believers present arguments which justify it and explain that these are the reasons why a second marriage was required. As far as I unerstand, there is nothing (about it) in the Quran for which a Muslim needs to be apologetic. Actual bad is that which God declares bad and good is what God declares good. Who are we to declare one act bad and the other good and that too because some Westerners call it bad and object on it. I remember when the first time I observed the verse “…then marry of women as may be agreeable to you, two, or three, or four; and if you fear you will not deal justly, then marry only one…” (Quran 4:4) it was Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Awwal (First)’s time and Hafiz Roshan Ali sahab (late) also used to get taught by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Awwal (First). Though we were not classmates, he was at a higher level and I was a beginner but we used to get some lessons together. Specially our classes on Quran Kareem and Bukhari used to be together even though one pass had finished. Sometimes we used to discuss verses of the Quran. I remember when we discussed this verse I told him that from the Quranic verse it appears that 2, 3, 4 marriages are the actual rule. Meaning 2 or 3 or 4 marriages should be done and “one” has come with “if you fear”. Meaning the first and actual rule is to marry multiple times and if you cannot do more marriages then the rule is to do one. Why should we lower the priority of the thing that Shariah prioritized and why leave a real rule only because in contemporary times there are more cases of people leaving them.

For example, Shariah ordered Haj but given the preconditions of it only 1 in a hundred can go to Hajj. Then given the distance of the journey and other such things then one in several thousand can go. If one in a thousand can go, then a 100 can go in 100 thousand and 80 thousand can go from 80 million. But the people who go to Hajj are not so many. The people who go to Hajj are 8 to 10 thousand on average. But how many are there who meet the obligation of Hajj but they don’t go. And amongst those who go to Hajj only 2% meet the obligation. If those people who have the obligation of Hajj go for it and we keep the average age of a human to 30 years. Then 15 years are spent in childhood and elderly age. If the remaining 15 years are split into works then a period of 5 or 6 years remains where a person can go to Hajj. If those people who have the obligation of Hajj go and the people who go to Hajj by hitchhiking and asking for money are eliminated then the amount of Hajis that go for Hajj will remain the same. If the economic condition of this region improves and suppose one person in a hundred starts to go for Hajj. Then 800 thousand shall start going from 80 million. And if the age of a generation is kept at 50 years then 800 thousand shall go in 50 years but it is clear that the obligation of Hajj will not be affected by every 1 in 100 going for Hajj. This is because exceptions (who don’t go for Hajj) are more. The meaning of a rule is not that the exceptions are less. People only look at the larger amount of exceptions and imagine that it is not a rule, not a good deed, not a preferred deed. Just like the example I gave for Hajj, the same can be said for Jihad. The rule of Jihad with the sword has completely vanished. The people who had swords in their hands have thrown them away. But that does not mean that Jihad has been abrogated forever.

The real reason is that people are scared of European objections. In the case of polygamy specially the objectors get support from women. NonAhmadis will be nonAhmadis, but we can find such examples in our own Jamaat. There are examples of this in Qadian itself where people say Salam, hug each other and help each other in everything but don’t look where a person is going on the path of hell by not doing justice between two wives. They don’t point him towards improvement. If women stay silent on the issue of injustice then the opposition of polygamy will start to fade away. I think half of the enemy attacks will be dispelled and actually 90% of it will go away. But as long as women keep demanding and being considered oppressed it is difficult to suppress the opposition of polygamy. It doesn’t mean that the permission of polygamy is faulty, but that the people who practice it are reckless.

Which Islamic injunction remains that has not been attacked and objected by the Europeans. They attacked but got humiliated so there is no reason why we should hide an Islamic injunction or consider it impractical in fear of them.

I was talking about my discussion with Hafiz Roshan Ali sahab (late) about the verse. His nature was jolly and he usually objected to get clarity. We used to stand and discuss in the balcony on the roof of the mosque near the stairs. He used to object and I answered. Eventually our discussion used to end at this statement that ok, you should practice whatever meaning you think of this verse. I used to say that at the right time I will show you with my practice.

So Shariah has declared polygamy alright for is, in fact where marriage is mentioned in the Quran more than one marriage is preferred in a way. AnHazrat (Muhammad) did more than one marriages but you never gave a reason. We only present reasons today when naive people object on his marriages. Otherwise the greatest wisdom for us is that it is ordered in our Shariah. People also create reasons, but that is supplementary not the primary objective. The primary objective of marriage is that believers increase numerically. The Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya (Muslims) increase when we increase children through polygamy and bring them up. In this manner if we increase 10 or 20 lineages and provide for them then these lineages only increase Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya. This is why Rusool Kareem (Muhammad) said (Masnad Ahmad bn Hanbal, volume 3, page 158) meaning marry those women who are loving and birth many (male) children. When Hazrat Masih Maoud was considering our marriages his first question used to be that said person has how many children, how many brothers are they how many children do those brothers have?

I remember the Hazrat Masih Maoud inquired about the place where Mian Bashir Ahmed’s marriage was suggested. He asked how much children does that family have. When he got to know that it has 7 sons then before considering all other aspects Hazrat Masih Maoud said this is very good. The marriage should be with this family. The marriage suggestions of me and Mian Bashir Ahmed were considered at the same time and for both marriages Hazrat Masih Maoud inquired about how many children, how many boys, how many brothers about the families of proposed suitresses. So where you saw other aspects, you kept “walooda” (birth of males) superior. Even when people ask my advice today, I tell them the same thing to see how many children are there where the marriage is being suggested.

Hence when an important objective of marriage is to have children and polygamy increases the number of children then what objection can be made on it? The real thing that should be insisted on is justice. If justice is maintained in polygamy and no crippling exceptions are not present then the majority should marry multiple times without a doubt. People ask where so many girls would come from but this is the wrong idea. If girls fall short in our region more come from other regions.

I have seen several times that people write letters to Umoor-e-Amma for 2, 2 years, keep looking for suitors and complain that they don’t get suitors and in the mean time some other people are able to arrange marriage. This does not mean that the system is not good. On the one hand the department is lazy and on the other hand people are reckless themselves. Otherwise suitors are there ho are not considered. I have directed the department people to employ inspectors of BaitulMaal and missionaries, who visit different places, to facilitate this work. If such difficulties are present, it is only a fault of the system. Otherwise it is a law of nature so automatically such conditions occur where the balance of boys and girls is maintained. The case of an imbalance is where women are in majority and Islam has solved that through polygamy. Recently our missionary was arguing about polygamy in a crow of women in Hungary. He was asking that you are so many women tell me how many of you are married? If you followed Islamic teachings your life could have been sorted. They said that although we don’t say this out loud but we feel in our hearts that the Islamic teaching of polygamy can improve our lives and that if this law is promulgated n our country then several faults can be removed.

I have described it several times that there is not a single Khalifa who was monogamous. Meaning that Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman, and Hazrat Ali, all of them were polygamous. Fifth Khalifa, whose Khilafat is doubtful and not considered Khalifa because he would not concede Khilafat if he was a true Khalifa, it is said about him that he was very polygamous. Once someone told me that Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahab objected on one of my marriages saying that Rasool Kareem married multiple times because he wasn’t getting children. I asked if Hazrat Abu Bakr, and Hazrat Usman were also not getting children and that’s why they were polygamous? Then Hazrat Imam Hasan, about whom some people say he was a Khalifa even though he abandoned Khilafat himself and he wouldn’t have done that if he was actually a Khalifa, married so many times that several reasons are presented to explain his polygamy. Hazrat Khalifa Awwal (First) used to think that more than four wives can be kept. Mir Muhammad Ishaq sahab once came to me running. His speed was as if he has just wone a battle. I asked him what it was? He said that it has been proven that more than 4 wives can be kept and a Hadeeth has been found. Hence there was a book of Hadeeth under his arm, a paper was settled in it as a book mark and it had mentioned the many marriages of Hazrat Imam Hassan. I didn’t have so much knowledge to argue about that Hadeeth. I would be 15, 16 years old. I asked does Hazrat Masih Maoud not have knowledge of Ahadheeth that you say that more than 4 wives cannot be kept at the same time? You should present this Hadeeth to him. At this, Mir Muhammad Ishaq sahab took the book and presented the reference to Hazrat Masih Maoud. Some time later when he was coming back I saw that his head was down and he was trying to evade me. I ran to him because I was waiting to see what answer he gets from Hazrat Masih Maoud. I inquired about what Hazrat Masih Maoud said. He answered that he aked where is it mentioned that all these wives were alive at the same time.

Hence, one marriage is an exceptional scenario and polygamy is as a law.

No doubt our region is in poverty, but polygamy can be done in poverty and a peaceful life can be spent. The difficulty is that western lifestyles are being adopted and incomes are low. Author of Masnavi Rumi has written about a person who used to tell his friends that he has eaten his fill to the nose when his friends invited him to eat food. Said look at my moustache the oil/fat is still stuck to it. Sometimes he said I have had Mutanjan and the grease has not left my lips. He kept saying this for some time. One day, by coincidence, his friends were gathered in his drawing room when suddenly his son came running and said Father the mutton fat that you used to rub on your moustache has been snatched away by a kite/eagle. His entire story got exposed there. It’s the same condition here. People are adopting Western lifestyles and their ideas are same old ones. The combination of this makes their feet in two boats and this is the reason for the creation of difficulties. Otherwise the law of nature did not create difficulties. In some Islamic regions like Tibet etcetera it is said generally that said person is very rich because his home is filled with such grain, he has so many buffalo, so many cattle hence these things are considered wealth by them. Some other areas, like on the border of Afghanistan, it is said that said person is very rich because he has 4 wives so in some regions wives are also considered wealth because they also till the land and do other work and income increases like this. Yes even nonMuslims who are influenced by Muslims keep more than one wife and can keep even more than 4. The Nawabs and Rajas of Hindustan have no limit on the number of wives. The real issue is that the cultural differences in every country create problems otherwise there is no reason why there should be any difficulty in polygamy even in poverty.

Links and Related Essay’s

Hadith on Faith: Love your brother as yourself

What is Qasr-e-Khilafat? The Palace of the Khalifa?

Mirza Basheer-uddin Mahmud Ahmad had 20+ children with 7 wives


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The Qadiani-Ahmadi 2nd Khalifa and the Pakistan Law Review

The Sindh Muslim Government Law College is one of the oldest law schools in Pakistan, established by its first principal, Hassanally A Rahman, a leading advocate of Sindh. In 1952, the Sindh Muslim Government Law College had launched a quarterly magazine from Karachi titled “Pakistan Law Review”. Upon its request, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II wrote an article in July 1952, titled “Pakistan me qaanoon ka mustaqbil” (The Future of Law in Pakistan), which was published in the August 1952 issue of the magazine.

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Fateh Ahmad Khan Dahri is the son-in-law of Mirza Masroor Ahmad and a corrupt business man

About 15 years ago, Fateh Ahmad Khan Dahri (born in January of 1974) married the daughter of the Khalifa, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, her name is Amtul Waris Fateh. Ahmadiyya sources report that Fateh Ahmad Khan Dahri is from Nawabshah (which is close to Karachi). We aren’t sure when the wedding happened. By 2014, they didn’t have any kids. Her brother, Mirza Waqas Ahmad had 2 sons (see page -1).

By 2022, inside sources have told us that the Fateh Ahmad Khan Dahri has been managing the country of India on behalf of his father in law, the Khalifa, Mirza Masroor Ahmad. He is a top level Ahmadiyya Executive. He is a trustee with a few major Ahmadiyya non-profit operations, like Al-Shirkatul Islamiyyah (since May-13, 2014) and the Mirza Sharif Ahmad Foundation (since 2006, his name is spelled as Fateh Ahmad Khan Dehri). Al-Shirkatul Islamiyyah operates MTA, which is a for-profit company with stock options. The Mirza Sharif Ahmad Foundation (MSAF) owns the international headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat where the Khalifa lives. It holds it as an asset. If the Ahmadiyya jamaat ever gets shut down, this asset remains in control of the trustees, and all 5 are Ahmadi’s and loyal to Mirza Masroor Ahmad. The MSAF has barely any income and seems to be a dummy organization created to launder assets of the Mirza family. They have 2 outstanding loans, one from (AMJ International) and the other from Lajna Imaillah (See page 22 of the report). The loan from Lajna isn’t due until 2023, however, the loan from AMJI is due in September of 2020.

In 2020, Fateh Ahmad Dahri was working as Wakil-e-Tamil-o-Tanfidh for India, Nepal and Bhutan. (At the time, this department did not exist and was known as India Desk and Fateh Sahib was its director.)

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Who is Dr. Mir Muhammad Isma‘il (1877–1943/1947)? The brother-in-law of MGA

Dr. Sayyad Mir Muhammad Isma’il or spelled Syed Meer Muhammad Ismail and Dr. Mir Muhammad Ismail, he was the younger brother of MGA’s second wife Nusrat Jehan, and the elder son of Mir Nasir Nawab. He had a younger brother named Muhammad Ishaq. Per MGA, Dr. Mir Muhammad Isma’il was roughly 10 years old in 1887. Thus he was born in 1877 and only 7-years old when his elder sister got married to MGA, Ahmadiyya sources are conflicted on his date of birth, some sources give 18 July 1881 as his DOB (see the Al-hakam archives, online via twitter). He also narrated some famous traditions about MGA which were recorded into Seeratul Mahdi (1923). He claims that he was a ruthless and vicious vagabong from 1887 to 1892. He seems to have converted to Ahmadiyya in 1892 with his father, Mir Nasir Nawab. He quit Ahmadiyya in 1893, as MGA lost his written debate with Athim. However, 3 years later, he seems to have become an Ahmadi again, he is thus listed as an official companion of MGA and in-fact on the list of the first 313 (see Dard, page 846).

He died on July 18th, 1943, just a year before his younger brother, he was aged 61, which is relatively young, there are conflicting reports on this, some sources claim that he died in July of 1947. He had 2 wives, his first wife of Syed Shaukhat Sultana, who was a close relative, most likely a cousin, however, there were no children from this marriage. He married again to the daughter of Mirza Muhammad Shafi (a member of the Sadr Anjuman in Qadian), his daughter’s name was Amtul Latif. They had 10 children together, 7 girls and 3 boys. She was born in 1902 and died on 16 September 1964. On the instigation/arrangement of Hazrat Amaan Jan (nusrat Jehan) Mir M Ismaeel married her in 1917 at the time when he was assistant surgeon in Civil Hospital of Paniput.
Continue reading “Who is Dr. Mir Muhammad Isma‘il (1877–1943/1947)? The brother-in-law of MGA”

Ahmadiyya “President” for Canada Abdul Aziz Khalifa is a former Lawyer banned to work as an lawyer in Canada for beeing part in a scheme for defrauding mortgage companies in granting Mortgages for the Ahmadiyya “Peace Village” housing complex in Vaughan Ontario

Ahmadiyya in peace village is a scam, we have written about it many times.  We found this article on reddit and have copied it in total.

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The data

As a standard propaganda measure, Ahmadis claim to hold very high moral standards. And their members can be publicly humiliated with expulsion for failings such as attending a wedding or the funeral of someone.

This however is just the case for Ahmadi footsoldiers. When it comes to highranking Ahmadis who bring benefit to the Ahmadiyya sect even through criminal means, they can get away with anything and are even awarded with high positions within the sect.

One of the highest ranking Ahmadi individual, the Ahmadiyya “President” for Canada Abdul Aziz Khalifa for example has been banned from practicing as a lawyer in Canada after it apparently emerged that he was part of a scheme to fraudulently obtain loans for the Ahmadiyya-Only housing complex in Vaughan Ontario. This however did not bar him from holding the highest Ahmadiyya Position in Ahmadiyya Canada.

Read the details here:

Call out Hypocrisy: Shamed Lawyer Abdul Aziz Khalifa, Canada Jamaat! on |


This is going to be the last post from me for a few weeks now. I have some matters that need my urgent attention and I must take a couple of weeks away from my duties here. I do not intend to be away for more than a few weeks however, if I have to be away longer than I have planned, I will let you all know. Yes yes before you start, no there are no issues and the Jamaat hasn’t scared me off and no one is in trouble, I just have other things that need seeing to. These ‘things’ are mostly work related. I have slacked off for far too long before and after the Christmas period and as the financial year is coming to an end, the pressure is on to get things in order and wrapped up. I would also advise that I will not be checking emails, so if you do need to contact me, please hold off for a few weeks. That said, I plan to change my email address and find one that works better with proxies as hotmail is an absolute nightmare. When it is set up I will then be able to reply to those that do email more often and more promptly. insha’Allah. Comments for all posts will now be locked to relieve my friend from her moderation duties, but I will allow comments for this particular piece so we can hear from our Canadian readers in particular.

As I don’t have the time to scan or censor any documents so in this instance, I will leave you with something that ties in nicely with the post I put up on Sunday RE: Canadian Expulsion Checklist.

A revert to Islam from Ahmadiyya in Canada emailed me a few months back and alerted me to the shady character of the Canadian branch of the Ahmadiyya Cult, Deputy President (Naib Ameer) Khalifa Abdul Aziz. His position within the Cult, for the benefit of those not in Canada and those not familiar with him, can be confirmed by clicking on this link. He requested that I write something up about this Khalifa character, to elucidate the very apparent hypocrisy and mistreatment of ordinary Ahmadis in the Canadian Jamaat.

Khalifa Abdul Aziz is a disbarred and convicted lawyer who lost his license to practise law in Canada due to financial fraud and misconduct, involving mortgages of more than 30 properties in Ontario. On doing some research and on asking around some contacts here in London, I am under the impression that this fraud allegedly involved the Ahamadiyya housing complex in Maple known as ‘Peace Village’. However, I must emphasise that I am unable to verify this, but this was told to me by a couple of sources here in London and a cross check with a relative in Canada seemed to confirm this.

A quick search of ‘Khalifa Abdul Aziz Canada’ on Google returned this:

Abdul Aziz Khalifa (1971), of the Town of Vaughan, was found guilty of professional misconduct for: participating in a dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or illegal scheme to obtain mortgage financing based on inflated purchase prices concerning 30 properties; failing to serve his mortgagee clients; acting for all the parties, namely the vendors, purchasers/mortgagors and the lenders/mortgagees, to several real estate transactions, where there was a conflicting interest without providing adequate disclosure to or obtaining the consent of his mortgagee clients and without advising all his clients that no information received in connection with these transactions could be treated as confidential vis-à-vis the other parties; and failing to disclose to his mortgagee clients his ongoing relationship with 8 individuals/companies and recommend that they obtain independent legal advice.
By Decision and Order dated June 20, 2006, the Hearing Panel ordered that:

     The Member be granted permission to resign his membership in the Law Society within 30 days, failing which he is disbarred.

     The Member pay costs of $1,000 within 30 days. 

(Counsel for the Society, Naomi Overend/ Member not present and not represented) 

(The Member's resignation became effective June 29, 2006)

The Ahmadiyya Jamaat Canada is co-run by a dodgy lawyer found guilty of financial fraud, involving a significant number of properties back in 2006, and he stills holds this position today! If you note from the above extract taken from the LSUC website, it states that ‘the member’s resignation became effective June 29 2006’, and so it seems Abdul Aziz Khalifa accepted his guilt and handed in his resignation. If he was not guilty and it was a misunderstanding, he would have fought the ruling to save his career and reputation but obviously not, because the odds were stacked up against him. For those Ahmadis that will say ‘but he wasn’t even Vice President in those days but was given the job afterwards, once he had repented’ please click here where you will be able to confirm that Abdul Aziz Khalifa held this position at the time of his conviction. He still holds this position today.

It’s funny when Ahmadi propagandists swear blindly that no senior member of the Ahmadiyya Cult has ever had run in with the law, let alone be convicted for fraud, and boast that all AhmadisAziz Khalifa, where it is alleged that the financial fraud in which he was found guilty of involved the world famous Ahmadiyya owned Peace Village. Er Hello, did this not set off alarm bells for the Canadian members? Why is it that the Canadian Cult Jamaat did not take action against him, and why was he allowed to continue in such a prominent position? His character is questionable but he has been given the authority to lead the Ahmadi people in Canada, how does that figure?

In the UK, we have Nasser Khan for example, whose wife was convicted of Perjury and no action has been taken against him but at least his wife’s misdemeanour did not involve the Jamaat as such! Canada is one of the biggest communities of the Ahmadiyya Cult worldwide, yet one of its most senior administrative leaders is a disbarred lawyer, found guilty of fraud and misconduct? Is that the best you can do? Does Mas know about Abdul Aziz Khalifa’s case? If so, why is the ‘Khalifa’ turning a blind eye and letting this man continue to lord it over the Canadian Ahmadis? Does Mas have any principles? Clearly not but you insist on selling him as the ‘Man of the Muslims’ and expecting people to buy it? Please! What an insult! You Ahmadis need to understand just because Mas ‘bhoot pyar karne waley hain’ (he is so loving) it doesn’t make him a Khalifa. Drop the love and pick up some reality because not only is he the worst leader of any group of people but he isn’t as loving as you think….

Abdul Aziz Khalifa, you pathetic hypocrite and nasty little man, you have absolutely no qualms in participating in the very public expulsion of members from the community for ‘participating in a marriage against the teachings of Nizaame Jamaat’, but you present a different face to western leaders of the State you live in. Abdul Aziz Khalifa, you are beyond contempt and a man with no integrity and morals, where you participate in the financial fraud involving 30 properties, but you present an image of being one where you are a member of an international community that boasts ‘loyalty to State’. Abdul Aziz Khalifa, you were found guilty of misconduct and were banned from practising law but you very proudly stamp your name on letters authorising the expulsion of innocent and law abiding citizens?!

You were banned in 2006 but in 2011 you kindly authorised this:

You should have expelled yourself while you were at it. Why is it that there is one rule for the likes of you whereas for ordinary Ahmadis with absolutely no power, are treated like lepers and are subjected to public expulsions, resulting in social boycotting and the like? Why is it that there is such a system in place in the first place, if it doesn’t apply to everyone? Why do you advocate such treatment of your fellow members but no action was taken against you, for a crime that resulted in you losing your job? This is serious! Why are you still in the Jamaat, let alone in such a position? Why was no action taken against you? Why did you not stand down, if you were a man of any principle? You are a disgrace and a hypocritical despot.

It is shocking to see just how many Ahmadis are accepting of such blatant hypocrisy. What is wrong with you? Forget what I believe, but if you believe this is Allah’s Jamaat and you love it so dearly, then why do you insist on turning a blind eye? It is up to you to keep your Jamaat clean because you quite clearly cannot rely on your administration to do it, because they need a good wash down themselves!Do the right thing. This is a disgrace. Shame on you all who allowed this man to continue while he shamelessly helps run your Jamaat with an iron fist. And you have the nerve to poke fun at the Muslim world for it’s fair share of tyrants and dictators but the difference is that this Muslims don’t claim to belong to a divine sect.

For those Canadians who have access to similar Jamaat documents or anything that the Jamaat would rather not go public, I suggest you set up something similar and start exposing these scumbags for what they really are. It is not that difficult and it would be a great shame and an utter injustice against your fellow people if you kept quiet about it. Your State should know exactly what kind of spiritual thugs they are wining and dining with. They are disgusting and Abdul Aziz Khalifa is probably not an exception.

That’s all from me for next few weeks. Try not to miss me too much!

After the Mirza family helped the British in 1857, the fight for independence, the British Government gave them “property rights” over 7 villages

After the Mirza family helped the British in 1857, the fight for independence, the British Government gave them 8 villages (see the Punjab Chiefs, 1865 edition). Mirza Ghulam Murtaza (MGA’s dad) and his brothers helped the British with 50 horses and soldiers during the mutiny/independence of 1857. Interestingly, the British claim that the Mirza family “Jagir” was resumed at annexation (1849), this was most likely control of Qadian. The 7 villages that were given seem to be in the vicinity of Qadian. In fact, MGA’s father initiated many court cases to get more than the 7 villages but failed every single time.


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How Mirza Ghulam Ahmad won the “Case of the Wall” (1900-1901)

Uptil 1901, MGA had lost every single case against his cousins/uncles at Qadian. From the famous settlement of 1865, to the court case of 1877-1882 (after MGA’s dad died), which caused MGA’s brother Mirza Ghulam Qadir so much grief that he died relatively young and Mirza Sultan Ahmad was forced to become the family leader at Qadian. We all know that MGA and his family were above the law in British-India. They could do no wrong in the eyes of the British. MGA always got a chair in court, whereas his opponents were made to stand.

By 1897 (See Anjam-e-Athim, via Tadhkirah), MGA was publishing revelations about his uncles/cousins and claiming that his God told him that he would never accept any prayers vs. MGA’s cousins/uncles (aka collaterals). However, this would prove wrong when MGA won the case of the Wall in 1900-1901 (See Haqiqatul Wahy, online english edition, pages 340-349). Nevertheless, MGA published the same revelation again in 1906-1907 via Haqiqatul Wahy and posthumously the same revelation was published in Nuzul ul Maseeh (published in 1909).

This case was filed by MGA vs. his cousin Mirza Imam ud din for constructing wall on 7 Jan 1900 to block the through-way from Masjid Aqsa to Masjid Mubarak (and MGA’s house)(See Life of Ahmad by Dard). The land where the wall had been built had been owned by Mirza Imam Ud Din for over 20+ years, and he had won a court case vs. his own relatives (Mirza Ghulam Jilani). However, MGA’s lawyer (Khwaja Kamaluddin) looked up the famous settlement of 1865 and saw that MGA’s father was also named as an owner of the same piece of land. With this new evidence, MGA won the case.

MGA showed up to court on July 16th, 1901 (See Mujadid-e-Azim, abridged english edition). The Case was decided in favor of MGA by the Court of Shaikh Khuda Bakhsh District Judge Gurdaspur on 12 Aug 1901 and the wall was demolished on 20 Aug 1901 (See Seeratul Mahdi).  Dard report that Mirza Imam ud din and his brother Mirza Nizam Din were forced to pay MGA 147 rupees for damages and the wall had to be demolished. Read the full case settlement in Dard. Ahmadis report that the debt was then transferred to Mirza Nizam Din, however, MGA seems to have arrogantly refused it. He seems to have died shortly after Aug 31, 1904.

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