The quran tells us to not prefer boys over girls in terms of children (See Chapter 16: 57-59). However, MGA and his team preferred boys over girls, per the ref in the below, which is from Seeratul Mahdi (1923, see in the below) it is clearly stated as such. We have also posted quoted from the 1930’s which are selling medicines which guarantee a boy.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ In this specific case, we have an issue of the Al-Fazl was 1939, wherein the Khalifa seems to have approved the marketing of a certain medicine of Noorudin:

“” those who wants to get male issue should order for this medicine which has been formulated by Aristotle of the time, the Royal physician, the master teacher Hakim Nooruddin. Its price is Rs 6.00 with discount u can get it for Rs 4.00. This medicine (Nemat Elahi) is given to man. It can be had from Dawa Khana Moeen us Sehat. Out siders should pay postal charges separately,  If u want a son instead of daughter try this medicine Nemat e elahi. This medicine is tested for 100 percent result. It is what ishtihar says which published in Al fazal of 13, December, 1939″””””

The scan


The Quote–A summary
reference seeratul Mahdi. Quotation number 948. part 3

Mirza qadyani felt more happy at birth of male “ son “ rather than female “ daughter “, and feels happy and donot agree with the sayings of people that as daughters are from God, so in our eyes both are equal. Writer presents excuse that sons use to help religion and says that Hadith refer it.

The scan

Links and Related Essay’s

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Update Ahmadiyya, Homeopathy, Scientology, Quackery–Fiona O’Leary

Ahmadiyya leadership was selling weird medicines in 1939 which claimed to guarantee a son to any man

Tiryaq-e-Ilahi never worked on anyone…it was just a super-opium drug….

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Nooruddin treated Mirza Ghulam Ahmad for impotency and many others, with opium!!!!

Mirza Basheer uddin Mahmud Ahmad was poisoned as a child, then had many mental issues

MGA and his team mixed Sauternes Wine with his foods and medicines at Qadian

A newspaper, the Lancet calls MGA a scamp or a blasphemous idiot (1898)

The British Government banned Ahmadiyya medicines in 1899

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Plommers wine shop

MGA’s teachers were opium addicts

MGA looked like an Opium Addict

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MGA lied about his Opium use

Ahmadiyya homeopathy is an obvious fraud

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Mirza Ghulam loved to have multiple women on his bed

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