Ahmadiyya leadership has lied endlessly about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his life. We all know that MGA was a bon-vivant, however we admit, he did know basic quranic Arabic, since he grew up with a teacher who taught him as such. However, MGA was never an imam-proper, his close friend Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi was. 14 years after MGA died, in 1922, the Qadiani-Ahmadi jamaat published a book entitled “Minanur-Rahman” in english it would be “The Blessings of the Gracious God”, it was in Arabic (with translation in Urdu). They tried to back date the writing of this book to 1895, which is a farce. Later in 1947, Dard claimed that Arabic has 1.7 million roots, which is another total lie. MGA never learned the proper recitation or even basic linguistics of Arabic, thus he spoke Arabic with a Punjabi accent his whole life, in fact, MGA couldn’t properly pronounce Arabic letters like Ain, Ghain, Qaaf and Duad. MGA never claimed to learn Arabic in one single night in one minute, however, after he died, Qadiani-Ahmadi’s did (see the Khalifa’s statement at the 1921 Jalsa). The book, “Minanur-Rahman” is available in english on (1963 english edition, re-published in 1979 from the Nigerian Ahmadiyya Jamaat). Even in 1906, in the english ROR, the book is mentioned as being “in-process”, however, nothing is mentioned about 40,000 roots in one night.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________MGA’s ghost writer’s wrote this book

To show that there is something common in all languages, a long list of common words was prepared by Hadrat Maulavi Hakim Nur-ud-Din, Maulavi ‘Abdul Karim, Munshi Ghulam Qadir Fasih, Mirza Khuda Bakhsh, Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, Mian Muhammad Khan, and Munshi Ghulam Muhammad. The first two did most of the work. Later Sheikh Muhammad Mazhar performed a great deal of research on various languages, in support of this strange theory.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________1880 in the Braheen e Ahmadiyya

The intro was written in Arabic, per Hani Tahir (at the 15:04 mark). This proves that MGA knew some arabic back in 1880. And was presenting himself to the world as someone who was capable of writing in the Arabic language at will.

In Shahna Haqq, he wrote that the word “Hindu” came from India (16:00 minute mark).
Sirat-ul-Mahdi, Vol. 1, Part II, p. 315

“Mian Ghulam Nabi Sahib Sethi related to me that he was in Qadian once and the Promised Messiahas was writing Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam. Hazrat Sahibas consulted with the Jamaat [members] as to how tabligh be carried out to scholars and gaddi nasheens [successors of a saint, or pir]. Different opinions were exchanged. The Promised Messiahas said, ‘There should be a book in Arabic for such people but the problem is that I do not have proficiency in Arabic as compared to them. However, I will write an article in Urdu and we will then translate it into Arabic by combined effort.’ Thus, the Promised Messiahas went inside his house. Then, the Promised Messiahas came out with a draft he had written in Arabic. Maulvi Nuruddin Sahib and Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib were surprised to see it. Consequently, Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib said, ‘I have studied a lot of Arabic literature, but I have never seen such an excellent piece in Arabic [writing].’ The Promised Messiahas said, ‘I prayed to God Almighty about it. Hence, 40,000 origins of Arabic words have been taught to me by God.’” 
Anjam-e-Atham, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 11, p. 234

إنّ کمالی فی اللسان العربی، مع قلۃ جہدی وقصور طلبی، آیۃٌ واضحۃ من ربی، لیُظہِر علی الناس علمی وأدبی، فہل مِن مُعارِض فی جموع المخالفین؟ وإنی مع ذٰلک عُلِّمتُ أربعین ألفًا من اللغات العربیّۃ، وأُعطیتُ بسطۃً کاملۃ فی العلوم الأدبیۃ، مع اعتلالی فی أکثر الأوقات وقلّۃ الفترات، وھذا فضل ربی

“My proficiency in Arabic, despite a lack of effort and research, is a sign from God Almighty, so that my intellect and literary prowess becomes manifest to people. Thus, can anyone from among the opponents object to it? Moreover, I have been taught 40,000 words of the Arabic language. Despite the fact that I am sick most of the time and I enjoy very few days of health, I have been given vast and complete knowledge in the literary sciences and this has happened only through the blessings of my God.” 
The Need for the Imam, p. 42 [English translation of Zarurat-ul-Imam]

Did the Promised Messiah ever claim that Allah taught him 40,000 Arabic words in a single night?

“I have been given the sign of eloquence and mastery in Arabic as a reflection of the Quranic miracle of eloquence and no one can challenge me in this.” 

Al Hakam, 3 March 1901, p. 4

“The motivation for writing in Arabic came from me. God Almighty inspired my soul in the first place that this heavenly blessing should also be presented to the Arabs in Arabic vessels. Upon this stimulation, he [the Promised Messiahas] first wrote the [Arabic book], Al-Tabligh, which is part of Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam. Only my heart fully knows the situation, which I observed from his reservation and expression of wonder that came upon him at my request. He said with sheer innocence and unpretentious simplicity and straightforwardness, ‘It is a very good idea, but this work is very delicate. It is beyond my power and ability.’ Then after some thought, he said, ‘Alright, I will first prepare a draft in Urdu, then you (this humble one), me and Maulvi Sahib (Maulvi Nuruddin Sahib) will work together and translate it into Arabic.’ He was fully motivated at that time. During the night, the Omnipotent All-Wise God, Exalted be His name, sent a revelation about it and told him to write in Arabic and also assured him that he had been blessed with the mastery of a vast part of the Arabic language and that the Ruh-e-Pak [Gabriel] would cause to flow Arabic words on his tongue and pen when he started to write.”
Tashheez-ul-Azhan, May 1911, p. 165, see also Anwar-ul-Ulum, Volume-1, page 335.

“The Promised Messiahas used to say that he was taught the root words of several thousand Arabic words in one night.”


Ghulam Nabi Seth seems to have written a book about MGA and arabic and roots. This prompted the Khalifa to publish “Minanur-Rahman” and to attribute it to MGA.

In 1922, they began to boast the MGA had learned 40,000 roots of the Arabic language overnight (see Dard page 408). That was a total lie. They were trying to make it look like MGA had some type of deep connection with Allah, however, we all know better, MGA was high on opium, he never led prayers, never gave a Friday Khutbah, and never gave a public speech.

“Invitation to Ahmadiyya”, online english edition
See page 298-299

“””When he announced his claim and turned to the work of reform, his critics first attacked his lack of learning. They described him as a munshi, that is to say, a half-educated scribe. He was literate; so he was able to write. Some of his writings had attracted attention; so he had come to have a reputation. He was no scholar, knew no Arabic, and did not have the qualifications to pronounce on religious matters. This criticism was raised in every conversation and in every hostile writing. A wall of prejudice was erected against him. It was untrue to say that he knew no Arabic, however. He had read the standard books. But he had certainly not had the benefit of instruction from any great scholar. He had earned no testimonial after study at an old school. He was not one of the leading ulema of the country, nor was he a maulvi of any status. When this criticism spread far and wide and the mullas started trumpeting it in and out of season, God granted him special knowledge of the Arabic language. According to him, God endowed him with a vocabulary of 40,000 words in a single night. He was granted miraculous competence in the Arabic language; he was commanded to write Arabic books and promised special help. His first attempt in Arabic prose was a chapter he appended to his book A’ina-i-Kamalat-i-Islam. This chapter contained a challenge to those who found fault with his lack of Arabic. He asked critics to produce something better. Nobody accepted the challenge. He then wrote book after book in Arabic. The number of his Arabic works amounts to more than twenty. Some of these were accompanied by offers of rewards amounting in some cases to Rs 10,000. (These cash rewards can still be won by anyone who produces something which equals them in beauty and power of language.) Nobody took up the challenge; nobody produced anything in reply. Some of his Arabic books were written as a challenge to Arabs. Even they failed to write in reply, and withdrew
from the field. One of his books was addressed to Syed Rashid Rida, the well-known editor of Al-Manar. The Syed was invited to write in reply, but he did not. Other Arabs were similarly invited,
and they did not.””””
Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 1, p. 55

Mirza Bashir Ahmad wrote a book, Silsila Ahmadiyya (1939), in which he writes:

“God sent him [the Promised Messiahas] to serve Islam and blessed him with the knowledge of the Holy Quran. At the same time, He gave him a command in Arabic in a miraculous way. As a result, he first invited the scholars to face him and compete in Arabic writing. Soon after that, he also announced that he had been taught 40,000 origins of words of Arabic in one night by God, and that God had granted him such perfect command over Arabic that no other person could compete with him, whether he was a Hindu, Egyptian or Syrian.”

The ROR of Jan-1941 alleges that MGA learned Arabic in one night. They quoted “Invitation to Ahmadiyya”, online english edition.

The ROR of Nov-1943 tells the world that MGA learning Arabic in one night was a miracle. This is an essay by K.B. Muhammad Dilawar Khan.

The ROR of May-1947 alleges that MGA learned 40,000 roots in one night and MGA knows more words than Shakespear. They also allege that Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi told the world that MGA didn’t know Arabic. 

The first volume of Tafsir-e-Kabir, comprising the commentary of Surah al-Baqarah, was published in 1948. The Khalifa states:

“A fresh example of direct teaching of God Almighty is also found in this age and that is the [example of] the founder of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, who did not acquire education in any regular madrasa. When he started writing books in Arabic by the command of God Almighty, he was once taught 40,000 words of Arabic in one night.” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 1, p. 319)
Hani Tahir

Hani Tahir was fooled to believe in Ahmadiyya once upon a time, however, after studying Ahmadiyya, the truth was evident. In fact, Ahmadis who read about Ahmadiyya and still remain in Ahmadiyya are simply people who have flawed character and aren’t willing to admit to their mistakes, this type of behavior is anti-Quran. The Quran teaches a man to be honest, and to admit to all mistakes.

Hani Tahir’s video

_____________________________________________________________________________________________Links and Related Essay’s

Quotes from SHAHNA-E-HAQQ by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1887 or 1888)

Who is Syed Muhammad Hussain Batalvi? 1840-1920

Maulvi Sher Ali told the world that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad would send his Arabic writings to Noorudin and Ahsan Amrohi for editing

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s Arabic came with a Punjabee accent

MGA’s teachers were opium addicts

Mufti Muhammad Sadiq was a student of Noorudin, pre-1891

MGA lied about his Opium use

Mirza Ghulam’s Ahmad lecture in Amritsar (Nov–1905) was not a Lecture, it was a riot!!!

In Qadian, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was allowed to be intimately touched by all women and men

Ahmadiyya leadership admitted (in the 1930’s) that MGA used lots of editors and ghost writers


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